wohnzimmer in 3d einrichten

wohnzimmer in 3d einrichten

hello to all aquaterraner, today as announced, i will show you my 54 liter shrimp aquarium. hey wait a minute, what is the guy talking about…aquarium? we are here at terrarienbau berlin? don’t worry guys, do not leave the channel, there are still enough and mostly terrarium videos in the future on this channel. today i'll show you how i set up an aquarium for tiger- and bee shrimp and what you need for it, you should follow the exciting story of this dwarf shrimp tribe. check out this blog, here you'll find all the updates, a complete tribal story and many pictures. first of all, i spray the back of the aquarium, you can of course also use a foil, the spray lacquer can be removed easily in case of need then i cut my hamburg mat filter into the desired side window size. before, i have already wrapped a piece of mangrove wood with moss and fishing line. i use a christmas and a thread moss. large parts i had to remove already, the moss grows well for the insertion of the hmf you can also glue an angle profile with aquarium silicon, which prevents the slipping of young shrimp and keeps the mat in the desired position. i do not mind, the mat also holds that way in the mat i have punched three holes for my czech airlifts and the gravel filter is already glued in, if you want to build a ground filter on the principle of a czech airlift, check out this video in the infobox, there you see how i built this one the under gravel filter is first assembled and inserted through the hmf, next, i distribute the zeolite around the suction tube, the zeolite prevents the soil from beeing sucked and should have a coarse grain size over 5/10 mm. furthermore, the zeolite filters pollutants even if it should be moved to remain active.

then i use active soil, ensures a low stable ph value, four to five centimeters, before not rinse out. the tank itself is rather spartan furnished, moss, wood and shelter should be sufficient. javamoos and a small mossball still get a new home and then water march. 50 liters of distilled water purchased and enriched with liquid minerals. alternatively, i use an osmosis system to make my own water. which water you are using is completely unimportant. the distilled water has a tds around 15. completely pure water exists only in theory at the beginning, i have a tds around 400, later when the shrimp are in, i aspire a value between 200 and 300 then you will hardly believe a ladies stocking is used i am now setting the airlifts, and the plan is to put zeolitth under the airlifts. with net tights and cable ties this works quite fantastic the water is filled behind the mat, an oxydator must not be missing

you can argue about the effectiveness of mineral stones, i just tried them out to feed the bacteria, some baby shrimp powder on the first day after a week the first 1/3 water change and then measure water valuesgood values are ph 6 - 7, gh 5 - 15, kh 0 - 2, no 2 and nh 4 0 - 0.25mg / l on day 10 a renewed feeding of the bacteria ... the cat can hardly expect the first shrimp. after 15 days then a new 1/3 water change, the fresh water has a conductance around the 200 microsiemens, a new water test is mandatory. after 2 to 4 weeks the fishing lines can be pulled from the deco, the moss should have grown. the first posthorn snails have already moved in and the one here was saved naturally. if all values are so far in the green range, the first shrimp can move in on day 19 after a 90% water change. do not feed the first two days.

the shrimp slowly get used to the new aquarium water, here for example using the droplet method, dripping for 2-4 hours has proven itself the first ten tigers and bee shrimp have moved in, here the raccoon tiger shrimp. i showed you how to start the aquarium in the shortest possible time, i took my time with this aquarium and the first shrimp were entered after 4 months. the animals grow very well and also quickly had eggs, now there are three different f1 descendants, all further developments you can read here in my blog. i say thank you for watching, do not be annoyed, subscribe, like and share the channel and until next time.

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