wohnzimmermöbel gebraucht kaufen ebay kleinanzeigen

wohnzimmermöbel gebraucht kaufen ebay kleinanzeigen

hi guys and welcome to my channel today i want to talk to you about how to save a lot of money really fast me and my husband last year were able to pay off 85 thousand dollars worth of debt we were able to pay off that debt and less than a year and a half and become that free and i kind of want to share with you all the things that we

did in order to achieve that financial freedom if you're new to my channel my name is mike a stopper and i would love to have you as a subscriber i have with new content every wednesday and sunday i also wanted to give a big thanks to kind of company for working with me in today's video i'll have a link to their site in the description box below and

with that link they will give you an absolute free credit score report let you know we stand in the financial world if you have any alarms or any doubt whatsoever it will lay it out almost like a financial planner or financial coach and tell you different ways to improve your credit score and things of that nature i feel like it's a very

beneficial tool and it can be really helpful especially if you're focusing on paying off debt or if you want to improve your credit score in order to have a little bit more leverage having a good credit score is super important if you want to purchase a new home what you want to push the new car you can have a little bit more negotiation and leverage

in order to get better interest rates and things of that nature like it's at i'll have a link in the description box if you guys want to go check them out i highly encourage you to do so just to get educated about where your credit score is and how you can better that it is not where you want it to be so let's get right into this video has 12

different ways and i want to talk to you about how we save money these are things that we actually did in order to save money and we're still doing it you're not familiar with me on my journey are currently adopting so we're doing all of these things right now still do this absolute day and so is considered for the very first way that i save money and

we buy things for love and use so we shop on ebay amazon craigslist he goes to thrift stores consignment shop once upon a child all kinds of places like that we try to purchase items pre-loved or pre-used and this same terms of money in regards to furniture in regards to clothing items in regards to books and you think that

we need you can almost find anything that you need used and can save you just an absolute fortune the next thing that we do in order to save money and this may not you may not have this service close to you or available to you but we use a drive-through grocery service based on a little bit silly as to how i can help

you save money but that was the number one place where we were burning the most money at we would typically spend about me hundred dollars a month to feed a family of five for groceries now we're spending just under five hundred dollars a month so we're saving a ton of money just a big chunk and one of the ways that we did that is will look for meals

on pinterest and we'll kind of write down all the ingredients on our list and we will end then we'll have our staple items maybe we'll have right laughs eggs will have immunity almond milk and different things that are our personal family staples and we'll have them all laid out there are more purchasing online will make sure okay every week we

have a grocery budget excellency try to make sure that we kind of staying in that limit and more pre-planning our meals as well so we're not spending more than we need or me ensure that we have recipes to kind of feed everyone and everyone can be satiated throughout out at least a five-day period and that kind of works for our family and it saves a

lot of money because not only are you planning your meals and have meals planned so that respecting your back to the grocery store you're not like i have nothing to eat but you're also not going to the grocery store and throwing things into your heart that you don't need because you're not there looking at it displays in the packaging packaging

items the things that you never needed in the first place so i can end up seeing you quite a bit of money the next thing that we did to save money and this saved us a huge chunk of change for our family it hit our ego pretty dang hard and it was really hard this was probably the

hardest one to do but it saves the absolute most amount of money we had to be used vehicles and they were really really nice actually my husband's brand-new and mine with you and they were nice vehicle my husband's car payments per month where i want to be able to six hundred dollars a month and then his gas just to fill up his car was

like $65 every single time you fold it up and for my parking isn't it was like 320 and have a hundred dollars every single time i sold it up this is a very large suv and when we totaled that all up that was about a thousand dollars a month that was being blown on transportation and you know trying to look flashy and trying to look at me i'm

so what we did is we ended up selling his vehicle and he turned in his car he got cash for the car and then with that cash he bought a car with kathy so we didn't have a loan whatsoever he bought a car that was feeling shit it's only like twenty dollars from to fill up the car for 60 and now he has no car payment whatsoever

next i understand i went to my husband and i was like you know what into my husband and i was like i really want to sell my car because we figured even sell one we wouldn't sell the other which helps one really nice car and one would be just like his daily driver to work and we were trying to be as that we wanted to be more aggressive with it and

we wanted to be wanted to have our financial freedom back and i went 10 pounds like i'm ready to panic to sell my car and he looked at me like i was absolutely crazy when we did the math and really stopped and thought about it from a financial standpoint it was a very intelligent choice so we ended up selling in my vehicle we got a little

bit of cash for me ruled by a minivan it was like a used minivan super dated and the car that i had before was lizzie i love it feat that had a navigational system it had like all the bells and whistles super nice and about million luxurious sitting inside of it but i still have a whole lot of debt and there's nothing luxurious about debt

really isn't um so i bought this used and it i think i spent two thousand dollars cash repaid forecasting and how alone i'm going to $25 to fill up the bank didn't have a very big paint which was saving tons of money if you do the math in general paper tons of money instead of paint your car payments we now maybe spend two hundred dollars a

month on gas and don't pay for any car payments because don't we pay for our vehicles in cash but i will admit this was probably the hardest one that we did when i sat in that car for the first time i was there i was really bitter it hit my ego hard and i was just like this up but at the end of the day i'm really happy that we made that choice because

it helped his payoff a lot of debt a lot quicker it does it does take a big toll on your ego must hear it doesn't affect you whatsoever at least it did for me at first but definitely humbled me and another thing that i really liked about it because it wasn't such an expensive vehicle i felt like i didn't stress as

much and i felt like going to be a little more carefree and more relaxed in their guards like if the kiddos run the cart into the car anyhow and accidentally like makes the little mark instead of like freaking out and like you know it's not a big deal because it's really not a big deal or if they still will fill the pot with a still a

drink on the floor instead of freaking out i was able to be like more rational and like killing me like hey no big deal we'll get it not a problem i'm not saying that the inside my heart is hideous or like totally trashed and this thing that an able to have a more relaxed mine site because i didn't spend this crazy amount

of money on it was an easy inexpensive vehicle for us so the next thing that we do to save money if we do not go in malls at all and we do not i look at online sites and less we're making a purchase that we intentionally plan to make or are you excited about it we don't even go to the mall because every single time you go to the mall

release for me in general i will make a purchase or i'll see something that i have to have and i'll keep thinking about that items over and over into end up producing item which i feel like if you don't know about the items then it saves you tons of money because you don't know what you're missing out on and don't know

that is even out there to feel like you need it another thing that we do is to save money and give not have any jungle gym membership we weren't able to purchase gym equipment on craigslist for very inexpensive amount of money were able to do so i'm just a basic workout like crossfit workouts where you don't really

need a lot of equipment using a lot of your core and your body and the american side we have three big staple equipment and we have some freelance things that may be costed up in total four hundred dollars and i know sometimes when you sign up for a gym membership some presents two hundred dollars per person justice sign up for their sign up fee

and then the two months like prepaid however they do it so it can save a lot of money another thing that we do to save money this is definitely the engineer my husband's idea that was my idea but it helps with the little things we watched all of our clothes and jewelry bitches in the evening because that faison

electricity and electricity is a lot cheaper in a anything that i do to save money if you can see my hair is actually called valio think i said that right and be florida apollyon i was dying my hair blonde and my roots show really quickly and i would be doing my hair all the time i feel like i was there every month and half i was at the salon getting my

hair done and getting your hair dye to be a hundred dollars and yuan haos be over that just it can be really expensive so when i do the valley on i am not spending as much and i'm only going in to get my hair done twice a year so i feel bad for saying this all of the hair stylist out there the public don't know anybody that but it's a ton

of money it really truly does and i think that needed in order to save money is he do not have cable whatsoever when it comes to movies we rent movies local library and we also have netflix so our cable package where we live if we wanted a pretty basic cable package with still a good about of tv

channels i think it was about a hundred thirty dollars because you're paying for the cable and then you're paying to rent the box if you do if you didn't find the box out right and where did we pay for netflix because 19 i think it is my first is a hundred thirty-seven investigating quite a bit of money and everything that we do to save money if

we do not go out to eat we go out to eat maybe once a week maybe twice if you're feeling really tired or regional lot of work and overwhelmed will make sure that we budget for them and if we go up each one thing that we do things a little bit different and not everybody does instead of buying everyone a big plate so we have five family members three of

them are kids obviously my have been in the kids and instead of like every single person of please what will you do if you're familiar with like restaurant they usually give you weighed more than you need to end up doing like three to go bags and you don't even easier to go food or at least sometimes you don't what we do is we will order three adults

five meals and then ends up being a lot cheaper and it gives everyone more than enough and we sometimes still have to go back we are philosophy is its battery to like perfect left in regards to food because you don't know how much you're going to get and if for some reason you need more food no problem order more but if you order like your place or five

plates of food and once they don't get eaten because that kid wants your rise of your plan set of their meal it's not like you can tell them hey can i return this they've already made it already prepared it but it's easier to purchase another plate vs returning a plate and then ends up being a lot cheaper and that is something that we do and we'll

do the only style where everybody will get a little bit of everyone's meal so you kind of get a try three different plates versus trying one meal this definitely won't be something that everybody liked but it definitely works for us is i actually learned to cut my husband pair i promise you that i'm not the best

hair silence.man hair cutter which whatever it's called i'm not the best and not very good at it but i'm various times and times of videos on youtube to teach you how to cut men's hair in two totally different styles i can probably the first couple times that i did this but it wasn't good it wasn't very amazing and wasn't anything special that

i've definitely practice and i feel like i'm getting a little bit better and it's just a bunch of change another thing that we do save money is if something breaks we searched it will get a book from the library will search how to fix it on the internet and we are able to fix that by paying for someone else to do the work in the very last

thing that you do to save money is learning to become a little bit more minimalistic and learning to become content learning to become content is probably the biggest thing the reason people spend is usually because they feel like hey you know this space isn't decorated enough it needs a little bit more or hate this room doesn't look

great or a while my car is not right i need a part to go with it or you know i don't have to close my closet i have nothing to wear there's not a level of contentment and i am able to say well i really do need this i really doing is that something you may actually genuinely need but there's a lot of things that you

purchase that you're like i really didn't need that i ended up giving its good well the next year and i just didn't get so learning to be content with what you have is absolutely amazing and it can save you so much money another thing is learning to become a little bit more minimalistic being an embolus is one of the coolest things you

can possibly do and i'm not even talking about it to be cool but it's cool and it saves tons of money and you don't have to your house doesn't have to look like everyone else is when i do my healthcare in a couple weeks you will see that my house is very minimalistic i have exactly what we need and nothing more i mean i do have an excessive amount of

toys that just legislatively kids alike regardless mhm despite the kids toys everything in the home is very minimalistic and very simple which i like because there's less things to clean left things that can break less things to freak out all my god you stayed by favorite chair you need just one more stress he is really relaxing

and i don't need to purchase three dressers for one bedroom i don't need to make sure that i have an ottoman and it's been a white chair and three rugs that gets very simple and just to the point of saving a lot of money those are all make it for how i save money and how able to save up a lot of money if you have any tips that you use

to save money please i encourage you to let us know in the comments below different things that you do to save money can definitely be helpful my tips plus your tips can be you know just absolutely amazing resource for someone else so please if you have any steps let's comments below and thank you so much for watching and see you next video


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