schöne rollos wohnzimmer

schöne rollos wohnzimmer

hello my dear street tubers i'm kathycrafts street and this is where we follow transforming and creating. crafts street today will learn tomake this beautiful tray with rolls toilet paper, as you see the tray isbeautiful, you can make a gift to sell or use it for yourself and decorate your home. it is made very easy so ii invite you want to know the way to step completely, follow me social networksthe video comments what you think this tray and grant me one i like. as you can see is a beautiful traywhich can give, you can use it

for you to decorate your home or you can doa precious gift. to do this we will need manualidadmany rolls of paper. and then we have all we need rolls will cutby the line it is making binding roll as i am doing in thevideo. we will also need a roll of paper morealong which we will cut straight as i am doing in the video. this long paper roll we will strengthenanother roll, but i have no other so it is that i will be reinforced with small rolls the first rolls i remain cutthis way you see, then

we're going to do is hit another rollwe have previously cut in the same way, and we will stick with wood glue. the paper roll something we had reinforcedabove will be our base, then we're going to put glue on all partdown. above the glue that we have made will putothers roll as they are seeing i'm doing it. i'll go hitting the first rolls icut and left as a double triangle half, and i'll auxiliary cliphanging clothes. i'll also stick on the corners rollspaper as you can observe.

and i'll keep hitting like i hit theother paper rolls. now i'll fold paper rolls towardinside so that they can stick well. i now going to put something with weightup for a few minutes so you can paste well, but we will not stop for longto prevent sticking inward. then i'll get up so they canuniting rolls corners with the rest. now that has dried i'll put gluepure as observed east of friendship roll, and then i'll wrap on itself. when i finished the piece of rollingroll of paper had glue, which i will do is put a little siliconehot and i'm going to press until dry

this silicone. now i'll try to cover imperfectionsyou note that you are under, and i'm going to do with fine paper, but youthey can also do with napkin, i i'll stick this homemade paste howput the homemade glue and then put the paper which will give you a wrinkled andvery nice effect. at the top of the tray i'llcartapesta give, and this cartapesta i could give this role is quite thickand also contrasts with the cardboard roll. i'll decorate the tray with these flowersand leaves are made with cardboard mass egg or paper pulp, and as you canobserve the flowers are dyed black.

although i will paint another traycolor the place where i will place the flowers and leaves will paint the blackwhich is the color with flowers and leaves, this is so that then not so difficultpainting where there are leaves and flowers. now i'll put glue where i wantpaste flowers and leaves. then i put the flowers and leaves,if you want you can put glue to flowers and leaves so that they can joinanywhere in the tray. i'm placing two leaves and a flower, butsobrado me has a leaf and i will place here in this corner. now let's expect flowers andleaves very well.

and who dried leaves and flowers letto paint. i'll paint tray red, but thecolor paper roll is very dark and i'm going to give a pink tone base,then give the red hue. red tone i used what i bought in a bazaar and does not put the tone name on the label,so if you can see it is that it is a rather dark red, i think you can themserve a red wine or a red tile. and it has already dried you what i'll do isgive bitumen. the bitumen is a envejecedor youthey can get in stores bricolajes and at craft stores.

i'll use a little bit of bitumenjudaea which i will put in this bowl. this bitumen i'm going to mix withfurniture polish or shoes will be for the i'll mix well. when i have bitumen mixed withfurniture polish or the footwear i will apply the tray to eat flowersdo not. then without letting it dry i will remove the bitumenjudean. when i finished applying bitumenjudea what remains is to paint flowers as flowers are. but i want to paint a tone to bevery similar to red and also has

is a tone flower so i will use this tone is asalmon, and i'll give dry brushes this tone salmon all flowers. if you want to clarify what you have flowersto do that without clean the brush catch a little white and fold excess andyou give some of this brush all flowers. now it's time to paint the leaves, and ii'll give it a positive or green iguana green. then without cleaning the brush i'll give greenlemon leaves. so precious is our tray nowjust put it where you want.

well my street tubers and we completedour tutorial today, our tray made with rolls of toilet paper. and when they saw it becomes very easy, it is very economical,very simple to do. and as always caring for the planet by recycling,so i invite all of you to do crafts with retraining, to makethis work. also they do this work if i can sharephoto on the facebook group connecting tubers with my street. well as i leave, but not before sendingyou all a big hug with grip, one big kiss, and we leave we are alreadyin the next tutorial, goodbye.

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