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wohnzimmer 26 qm einrichten

the keshe foundation, an independent, non-profit,non-religious, space-based organization founded by nuclear engineer mehran tavakoli keshe is introducing to humanity the science of the universe, plasma science keshe foundation develops

universal knowledgeand space technologies that provide solutionsto major global problems, revolutionizing agriculture, health, energy,transportation, materials, and more. the applicationof plasma science in the form of specially developed plasma reactorsand other devices, will give humanity the real freedomto travel in deep space. plasma science existsthroughout the whole universe. it is here and it belongs to you.

our knowledge, research and developmentregarding the plasma structure has progressed to the point of enablingeveryone to participate in the process. become a creator and understandthe work of the universe for the good of humankind on this planet,as well as in space! the use of magravs, nanomaterials,gans, liquid plasma, field plasma and other plasma technologies have come as a new dawnfor humanity to progress and work in harmony with the universe. conventional technologyapplications are wasteful,

damaging and cause pollutionto the planet and all living beings. plasma science provides solutionsand improves existing methods and use of resources in all aspectsthat touch the lives of all beings. plasma is defined by the foundationas an entire content of fields which accumulateand create matter and it is not definedby its physical characteristics like ionization or temperature. also, with plasma science, we understand how we can convertmatter back to the fields.

quoting from mr keshe, “magrav stands for magnetic-gravitational,which means plasma absorbs or gives. and every plasma has the both,it has give and it has take… and when they can’t find the balancethey distance themselves until they find the balancethey can give to the others that they can receive whatthey want to receive and give further.” certain atoms and molecules release andabsorb magnetic or gravitational fields. released fields are availableto be absorbed by other objects. the keshe foundation has developed a wayto gather these free flowing fields

from the environment withina resourceful and beneficial new state of transitional matterwhich m.t. keshe named gans. the first stepof the process of the formation of various basic types of gans,is nano-coating metals. this is carried outeither chemically by etching (steam coating with sodium hydroxide) or thermally by heating(fire coating by gas burner). during either coating process, gaps between the outermostlayers of atoms are created.

the residual coating is oftenreferred to as nano-coating, defined by the structured layersof nanomaterial, which build up duringthe creation process of the coating. nano-coated metal in interactionwith other various metal plates, in a salt water solution,creates magrav fields. these fields then attract availableelements to form a specific gans, which collects and settlesat the bottom of the container. this gans is formed from independentenergized molecules (like little suns) that can be usedin various applications.

(rc) welcome everyone to the186th knowledge seekers workshop for thursday,august 24th, 2017 this is a production of thekeshe foundation spaceship institute and once again we are happy to have mr kesheof the keshe foundation with us today. i think he's ready togo with today's show is that true mr kesheare you there ? (mk) yes! good morning,good day to you as usual wherever and whenever you listen tothese knowledge seekers workshops. i would like to mention a few thingsthat it's important for us to

understand and we going into the depth of the teaching much deeper that weunderstand more as we expand. there is a messagefor keshe foundation chinese members please refer back to qq which isset up for chinese supporters for the meeting of tomorrow morningat 8 o'clock beijing time it's important that every chinese memberparticipates or at least will be there. it's the beginning of the setting up of the keshefoundation teachings and organizing as we promisedthat we'll support the keshe foundation china in a different way as there are so many chinesewho work around the foundation.

we're trying to bringsome organization into it, establishment of the keshe foundationmanagement team we're looking into which is getting done. keshe foundation websitesand keshe foundation totally in... or supporting all themanufactures, people who done some research, the scientists who areworking around the foundation we're looking for you to bethere tomorrow morning i'll be joining you on qq or on thewhats app and then we go to the next steps. we try to organize teachingsdirectly in chinese

then the teaching will betranslated back into english or, if needs be, the same aswhat we do here the reverse of bringing the knowledgefrom chinese in a direct way, intokeshe foundation worldwide. ... this is important for us in the steps,which are taking place and to create a condition whereall the chinese community of the keshe foundation will cometo be working and collaborating the way we used to be, about twoyears ago and we bring it back in, that the chinese have their own teachingsand their own workshops

and we go to the same process as kfssibut in the chinese language these are part of the structurewe promised to bring and now we are ready to go for it,the kf china has been set up. ....what we would callthe keshe china qq this keshe foundation, point of teachingsfrom this point onwards. the development of the keshe foundation chinamanagement will take its shape in next few months and then we'll go into very much supportingall the keshe foundation

chinese people who haveproduced, manufactured or gained knowledgewhich you like to teach. so, the there is no need for translation,everything will be in chinese and some of their work could be translatedback into other languages. the next point for us is that we had a good news as some of you heardfrom south sudan last week. we have received the pictureof the members of the different organization andmore you... what you call it

nonprofit organizations and governmental officeswhich attend the conference they have signed the picture of the'peace treaty' and they have taken a picture of it. rick do you have it in thebackground, you could share? this is important as we take a stepinto the governmental sections in different countriesthat they would like to be taught, as we heard fromone of the delegations last week. we will concentrate heavily on africato expand the knowledge now

through the african nations. this is... beautiful to see what has been achievedand what it is and how they're achieving this. africa for us is importantthat we can bring everything back in this. this is important,that we support all the african nations. we'll go into a different countries like liberia ,togo is on our line and kenya, south africa and uganda keshe foundationwill be supported

to come into manufacturingin a very short time. please keep in line andin touch with the foundation because we start movingvery fast in african nations, it's one of our priority. the other point which we have isin respect to the keshe foundation ghana and we'll go back to production,hopefully in next couple of weeks the premises have been secured,now it's matter of setting it up and we organize all the equipment andmachinery to be shipped from china, to set up a standard procedure.

those of you whoare looking for support in ... ghana ... please stay in touch with benjamin...the development there is that the new premises willbe full equipped and then will expand two to threethousand square meter. we are very happy withwhat's happening in ghana we are on courseonline with moving from a smaller premisesto a much, much larger premises there is a message from us to alekz we are sad to hearwhat has happened to you

we are glad you're back and i hope and wish youa rapid recovery. it is part of the work which happensand it's unfortunate that one of the members of the keshe foundationuniversal council and the earth council has been badly damaged, it was attackedand he is on course of recovery. we wish you all the best andhope to recover very rapidly- we have a question markin the universal council

in regarding the point that in dubai conference as part of the setup of the keshe foundation universal councilgroup of 12's which adds to 12 there is a misunderstanding, because peopleare reading only one section mandate notthe totality of it. you have to go further upas you come down. the membership of theuniversal council is for life as long as you feel you canserve humanity towards peace

and share of knowledge. the position of the 12 seat is thatit allows every member to be in one seat for 12 months to be ableto rotate across different circles of knowledgeand what we call, understanding of the technologyin the language. it has been misunderstood as some peoplethink that universal council members are for one year,there is no such a thing. if you... you have to readthe structure which is set up. you have the 12 center chairs,

with each chairbeing part of the second 12. rick do you have the pictures of thedubai that what we call the universal council mandate if you can share it with us? so, what it means every year one of the members of the 12 moves into the center seat towards the seat ofthe next circle

this is important that it does not create apermanent members in each circle this means that everybodystays as one nation one planet and we get to knoweach other better we understand each others work better,we see in different circles. in what operation is been takenaccording to the language. and this is the only reason it's been done,that we do not create a permanent seat. the permanent seat has beenalways the cause of problem, people they thinkthey are there for good.

therefore this way, more than one yearyou can take a seat in the center, ... what i call seat of the council,on this section, this is important for all of us to knowbecause apparently this has raised before that the,the membership is only for one year. it's for life, you stayas a universal council member for life. as long as you thinkyou can serve the council. to the best of your ability to be it the cause,an initiator and protector of the peace, and the spread of knowledgeequally amongst all men. this is important for us.

and this has to be part of the workof the universal council. we are moving very rapidlyin the direction of one nation, one planet. there'll be some announcementsin the coming time which take us very rapidlyto what we wished. we stay on course for the developmentof the one nation one ???. the charter for the humanity, is gettingdrawn up by the councils in the background. it's important those of youwho become member of the council, and those of you who are memberof the council to understand the charter has to be connectedto the soul of the man,

which in that way is connectedto soul of the whole universe. which meansit's the only way we work on. it's not by the appearance of the physicalitybut by understanding the soul of the man, which is the manifestationof the physicality of the man. this is part of our understanding,and then as we go into the teaching, i try to expand on thisa little bit more today, because it's important for us to understandwhere and how this is going to expand, and where it's going to take us to. in this understanding,as we can see,

the circle of the knowledgestands and stays at 144. which means the 12 become part of the 12,and this is important for all of us. the totality of the 12 creates the council,now at the moment we have about 26 members of 20 different... languages of the world. we cover a huge majorityof the world languages. the russian member has withdrawn,as she can not according to her serve, as she has not, does notsee herself to be able to do. so, the russian seat has been opened up,if anybody who thinks who can serve the councilwith the russian language,

you can, you can apply for the seat,there are very simple the way the setup is. we have a position with the iranian councilor the persian language, as dr parvis has moved intothe earth council. there are a number of languages whichneeds to be fulfilled, and to be extended. those of you of different languages who thinkyou can be part of the universal council, please put your request toas you do in the request for joining to become a member of theuniversal council. and it is as you write to universal council,the email is on the site. you can submit your applicationthat you want to be a member of the council.

and a standard procedurewill take place after security check. this is the paragraphexactly where i'm talking about, this is where there has beensome confusion, it says the rotation of all membersof 12 councilors and 12 sub council leaves in the main 144 council,is by rotation of members, and will be for duration ofone cycle of man for one year. this means, when you saw the circles,you rotate, you can not sit in one seat. this is the everybody thought thisfor one year. you can serve for tens of years,or you can be there for months,

depend according to what you feelyou can serve humanity. there are no titles,and there are no position as such, that it can be abused,there is no voting right. it's just that the wish of the manto create peace on this planet, and through your wish, you promote,and you work for the work of the humanity to progress in the right direction. if we go back to understanding thiswhat we speak about the soul of the man. in the teachings we have to understandand go step further in this, in this level. what is important for us, is that,with the soul of the man,

we understood a very simple physicality. i go back to part of the teaching,because it's important for us to understand that everything on every levelis the same. it's for us to understand.rick i'm trying to share a screen, if you could allow me please? the understanding of totality is,that we try to comprehend exactly what we are talking about.this is part of the knowledge share. if you remember,and what we have explained, in the other teachings, is that,when we have the sun,

the rays of the sun, in interactionwith the rays of the field of the earth. leads to creation of light,and in different shapes and forms. if you look at it,the interaction of the two fields, both from the sun and the earth,reads to creation of matters. this be it water, this be it hydrogen,this be it any elements, nitrogen, gold, silicon,this is what we never understood in the world of science up to now.that most of the material which lands on the surface, or withheldwithin the atmosphere of the earth, is created by the gravitationalmagnetic field of the earth,

and partiallyby interaction of the fields. so, in that process if you understand,what it means is that if we look at it, the field-strengthwithin the structure of the earth, and the field-strengthwithin the sun and the earth, has lead to thecreation of physicality, and the content of thematter within the planet. atmospheric gravitational field forces. so, in fact if we look, the field of the sun,is not just in one side, it's in the totality. so, when the fields of the sun interacts withgravitational magnetic field of the earth,

dictates the physicalityof the earth. so, the physicality manifestation,the physicality of the earth, in so many ways, is dependenton the presentation of its soul. if we call the soul of the solar systemto be the sun, the interaction of the fields of the soul,and the field of the earth, has lead to the manifestation ofthe physicality of the earth itself. this is what it dictates to have,it wants to have copper in it, it wants to have zinc in it, but due toits magnetic-gravitational field-strength, does not want other elements.

so, this is important for us to understandin expansion of the knowledge. that the interaction of the fieldswithin the structure of the solar system, has lead to the creation, manifestation,and the physicality of matters in the structure of the earth. now, we have to go step further. if we go a step further,and repeat the same thing, where this was the sun,and this is the earth, now if we place the earthas a gravitational-magnetic field, and we place the soul of the man,the interaction of the physicality of the man

which shows itselfwith two legs and two arms, and eyes is dictated by the interactionof the field of the soul, in respect to field of the earth. that is why,in every creature on this planet, we see the same configurationof brain in two halves. if you have a copper in you,if you have magnesium, trees and branchesand everything else. so, in so many ways, the soul of the manwith the fields it radiates, with the interaction with the fields,of the sun and itself,

leads to the creationof physicality of the man. just one second please,i have to answer a door. sorry about that. so, now we understand,why we physically look like this. because we followedthe same pattern. the same goes of we gofurther up the interaction of the fields of the fieldsof the galaxy in interaction with the sun dictates thethe size of the solar system. now you go from the galaxy to the universethen it gives the shape of the galaxy

then we understand our physicaldimension on this planet is dictated by field forceson the planet itself. we have two arms, two legs thisis the condition which fits. then if you understood this, when the manreaches the soul and understand the operation of his soul in the dimensionof the traveling into the galaxies or into the universal condition thenyou understand how when you come to another condition then let's call the conditioninstead of being the earth, planet a then our soul is still the same,it has not changed. but, now in the dimensionof the new field-strength,

it might need manifestationof different physicality. so, in so many ways now we havethe same, with the same interaction. this is how our physicality changesaccording to the position we arrive, according to the wishof the soul of the man. this is fundamental for thosewho take into space and understand the progress inthe knowledge of the creation. this is how in all the teachingsof the past we explain the manifestation of the physicality is dependenton the point of the field-strength as the soulsdecides to manifest itself.

if you look very simplythe soul is the same. it's the environment which haschanged, and with that we manifest ourselves in totally different way, in differentareas according to the strength. it's very much it'sthe same h20 in the condition of the freezer it manifestsitself as ice, in a condition of the roomat a high temperature and cold outside, it manifestsitself as steam on the glass., or in the right conditionit manifests itself as a water. now with the soul of the manin a plasma condition,

that we understand the existence of a plasma,now we are conditioned in the same place. in space we do not carry physicalityas let's say the field in a can be very much in the field in earth,on earth, but let's say in vapor condition. so, in that condition for manifestationof physicality we might appeal and we have to appear,that what it fit's, not to be a vapor, but to see what creaturesof that point manifest themselves in, as birds, a fish, asbreeding between the two. we have seen this with the birthof the man in the womb of the mother and on when in birth comes, to becomein the earth atmospheric condition...

you have a microphoneopen in the background please. this is important for us to understand.(inaudible) this is important forus to progress into. now it makes it much clearer for all of uswhy and how when we start teaching, that , we will manifest ourselves according towhere we manifest, where we come. this is important for all of us, this takesthe fear out of space travel this gives strength to manto understand now he decides at this point i don'twant to be manifested. i want to see howdoes it feel does it feel

if i'm in a dimensional fieldwithout physicality between the galaxies,matter-states of stars, i want to see how life is ina given condition, which is only liquid. in the coming time we'llshow this in physicality in tests. as i said we have committed thespace technology of the keshe foundation spaceship program tothe chinese government. and all these tests will be done incollaboration with the chinese government creation of life, manifestation of life,in the deep seas, in the atmospheric conditionand below atmosphere and above atmosphere.

that gradually we gain confidencethat our manifestation our presentation our physicality is dependenton the conditions of the point of manifestation. this why when we look at the satellitepictures, produced by the space agencies we see entities in motion, but we donot see the physicality of them. where if we were at their strengthwe should see physicality in them. why we see only the auraof their existence . we have shown thesevideos many times. produced by nasa taken fromdeep space or from the space, from... from space platform were we seeshapes floating but to us we don't understand,

because at that point we do not carry thestrength of what they have in that position. it's very much like the birds,if the man wishes to carry the strength of the birdhe can become a bird. this is the fear we had, nowwe understand the combination, what leads to. the mutation of theelements is not just element is the manifestation ofcombination of elements. this what, we can become whatever, accordingto the wish and the strength of the soul. when you look at the soul of a fish, when youlook at the soul of the man, when you lookat the soul of the bird,

a man if goes out of fear can acquirethe soul of a fish, the soul of the bird. is our lack of understanding which hascreated this fear and not being able to. now that we open thespace to man. man understanding the strengthof his own soul understands how he can change. ask yourself one simple question. if what we have shown here that you becomeaccording to your soul to manifestation, now that you can control and understandthe strength of your soul then you understand that howwe can do this on this planet. this is gaining strength in the knowledge.this is what we said.

if this technology understoodfully it opens totally a new dimensionfor the soul of the man and becomes part of the soulof the totality of the universe. then man becomes the man of peaceand those who reach this level they will understand how progressive the man can and has become to become part of the universal community. as we said many times,"when we take man to space, we take him as equal , not as subordinates that he does not understand the totality." but, we have to understandthe comprehension of the knowledge

is spread across the strength ofthe understanding of the man. some like stupid tobe on a donkey, some still walk and some on ajet plane and some drive their car. nobody had said anything is wrong, it depends how long you want to beon the path of the travel from a to b. you still can sail the seas to gofrom a to b and takes you 80 days, you can do the same thingin 10 hours or you can get in the carand do it in one year. now man has the knowledge to acquireand understand the strength of his soul.

and in that he decidesthe manifestation of itself in the dimension of the strength of thephysicality of the point of manifestation. how do we liketo manifest ourselves? as we said,we took you step by step. >from matter to the gans into energy, now that you understand the collectiveinteraction of the energies, magnetic field andgravitational fields in the womb of the mother leadsto the creation of the soul of the man. now from the soulwe dictate the physicality

which is what has been missingin the knowledge of the science of the man the discussion is not when, the discussion is on the level of maturityof understanding the totality and the truth. the knowledge is there, it's for usin how deep we want to go in this process. one of my communicationsvery... past few hours to one of the members the universal council,to the earth council. i explained very simple way. there is something in all the teachings whichyou have missed or maybe not many missed but some did not understandor in the process was not understood.

if you go back to the teachings,we have understood that pain hasmagnetical-gravitational field-strength that, in our brain recognizes itself as pain joy the same, love the same, fear the same,it has strength of magnetical-gravitational field which is at the strength pointfrom the soul of the man. what this means is that we decide,and in the process of our brain if this is our brain and this is our soul,which is the center of the fields. as the field comes at the given strengththis here as a fields interacts with the brain components or partsor whatever you want to call it.

at this strength we recognize it as pain,at this strength nearer to the soul, we recognize it as joy,at this strength which is much stronger,we recognize this as love. or giving because then it's closest to thesoul, touches the eternal part of the man, but there is one point which we have missed,maybe now we can understand. thoughts... what we think hasa field-strength therefore when you understand this then youunderstand the thought of the man what we think...itself has a field-strength. then the deeper we thoughtthe more we understand

about the strength of our thoughts in respectthe closer we become to the soul strength. closer to, nearer to. and then that point maybe we all cometo have one common denominator that we all reach then we cancommunicate from soul to soul. this is what we callzero-time communication. this is a time when your in pain,the mother feels, the father feelsbecause the thoughts are so deep that it touchesbeyond the level of love. which is the level ofthoughts which is closer to the soul

and at that point we all have one commondenominator according to the amino acid of this planet whichcreated the soul of the man. then we reach the level of zero-timecommunication and this is the time when we come we don'tneed to talk we feel each other. then it comes to understand whyso many prophets in the past became so close to their souls thatthey became to touch other mens souls. because they felt the pain, and the painthrough it brought them joy that they could surviveto give to the others. and that brought them tothe school of thoughts that

they became closer but the strength tobecome detached the physicality. as you go further in, towards the soul, the more detached you becomefrom physicality part of the brain. as you understood in theteachings this is where we sit. the physicality is at the boundary, theemotion sits and the thoughts in the center. so as we go further intowards the understanding of the operation and close to the soul,the stronger fields the more commondenominator of understanding. in time when man progresses to the furthersteps that he understands the totality.

then he becomes so in strength near enoughto the strength of the soul of the creator. and then you can travel in that processfrom the strength of the planet, to the strength of the sun,the solar system and then you understand more, you can travelin the space of the galaxies and the universe and the universes. and then at one point one might theprocess of the understanding of the whole lot. this is the beauty of it and this is part of it. and we have to understand this,this is part of the existence this is part about understanding thereality about the creation of the man,

then we can go in deep space. then when we go in deep spacewe understand one point. that all men are equal all creatures of the god areequal because we all carry the same strength in the dimensionof the soul of the creation. then the man of space decides if he wantsto travel with this part which is the donkey or barefooted or you want togo in the strength of the spaceship. and beyond and theunderstanding of the soul. this is important in thesepart of the teachings

because many people are...understood and moving in that direction. as i said last week, we start teaching for thosewho have moved towards space development. what do you call the spaceship?now is needed to be taught. is needed to be clarified that weall understand these processes of progress of man in the knowledgeof the science of the creation. (k2) hello mr keshe this is klaus from austriasorry for interruption, i'm in the backseat of a car,can i present at quarter past eleven? (mk) pardon? can you speak to thebackground, with the team please? (k2) okay. thank you.(mk) you have to speak to rick. thank you

this is important,this is important for us that we speak and weunderstand what we speak about. this is important that we understandthe totality of the knowledge as we're going and we're enlighteningmore and more knowledge. those who move in a different speed ofunderstanding with a massive progress in their understanding and development,they can reach these barriers, do we need to come to that point. or do we need to receive that wecan elevate our souls, which in turn bye giving more it allowsus to have a strength

that it reaches ina time of communication with the soul of another.then the fear of being left alone in space does not createthe fear of the end of the physicality. as the soul of the man dictatesthe presentation and manifestation of the physicality at the pointwherever he wishes. one of the fears which we haveis we got used to we are conditioned and in a way, we are institutionalized to thegravitational-magnetic field of this planet. and we have set everything upto live with this condition.

where now we have thefreedom to be in space and carry on and develop that pointof the space time. zero-time travel. zero developmentof communication, where we contact, we communicate throughthe soul and not through the verbal, noise, of the physicalityof the vibration of the sound which comes fromthe mouth of the man. then there shall be nofear and there shall be no lies. as the souls areperfect in their manifestation.

then we understand, how the physicalityleads to so much problem for the man, because now it has to adjust itself tothe environment which is created by him. according to the interaction of hissoul in respect to the physical dimensions of the entering, of what we call thephysicality of the man on this planet. the physical condition of this planetwhich has led the man or the combination of interaction of the soul ofthe man to lead him to consumption of so muchenergy for that physical part. you've got to realise something veryimportant and in part of the teaching in private teachings ihave taught this many times,

but i explain this foryou to understand, we know man is created fromthe interaction of the fields between the sungravitational-magnetic field of itself. in that process it has ledto creation of amino acid the amino acid comes fromthe gaseous part, which has a dimension of freedom ofitself in that process that the leaves of non-physical partbut matter part, gans part of thecondition of the life. but in attachment to the gravitationalfield force of the physical part of the entity

which is due to the inertia andgravitational - magnetic fields man in that process has chosento become a physicality. so, if you understand thisit makes it very simple. our physical part which isconnected to the inertia is the consumer of physicality ofthe food and others as a package. not... the amino acid which is the conditionof the creation of the soul of the man. because that comesfrom the gaseous part, which has no physical connection tothe body of the man.

so in space, if we can create thefield-strength of the physicality, then we do not need to feed, because wecan feed directly to the soul of the man. this is where most of the fear ofthe man in deep space has to be retracted. the confidence has to be built thatin deep space we are part of the space. and then all we have to dois to go into the deeper strength, of the plasma. in so many ways, then as we lived inthe physical dimension at this strength, now we go as this is the plasmaof the amino acid, which has led tothe creation of our soul,

in interaction with the matter-state ofthe part which is the inertia part. then when we take the inertia partto feed at it strength, we move to further andhigher, higher strength. and the more we understand interactionsof the environmental physical matter condition field-strength, then we can get closer and at a higherspeed by order of magnitude to travel the depth of the space,communicate with the others, without verbal word, where wefeel the communication language of the soul of the universe, notthe noise of the man through his voice.

now you understand more. now you understand why and how and thereason we are developing in this direction it is for us... to... take the shackles of the restriction,that we comprehend what we would like to understandat the point of manifestation. when man understands this,then man does not need no messengers, because the messenger of his lifeis the communication between his soul and physicalityat the point of manifestation.

which means where you appearin the physical dimension according to thepoint of manifestation then you decide, you have understoodthe environment, you would like tounderstand the environment and this environment has no othercondition than what you had on earth, but there is no man to dictate,in how you manifest yourself. because it's the point where you havedecided to accept the strength field, in the interaction with the soul of yourself. all the messengers,all they have taught up to now

is about the physicality ininteraction with another physicality. now we understand the position of the soul,we understand the soul is the creator, the physicality is not a condition tobe abused or to abuse because now you understandit's the soul of the man which is responsiblefor the behaviour of the man. then this way man needs no prophetas he changes planet. on this planet be a christian on another planet,because there is another condition become another religion x, y or z.

the religion is a path of the belief understanding of the interaction betweenthe soul and the physicality of the man. and now man becomes the prophet of itself. it becomes the controller ofthe conduct of his soul. then man understanding thatat what strength it needs to work, man needs no punishment. the punishment has been tocontrol man out of the fear, of his lack of understandingof his own creation. now that we understand more...

we understand,there is no punishment. except that us, we deprive ourselves fromreceiving what can elevate us. no man likes to be poor.and it's the same when you understand this in thelevel of the soul of the man, you want to be rich that you can give moreand this is what will call us to the 'love of creator',this is what we call the 'love of god'. which means i give unconditionally andi don't take what is not mine. then 'thy shall not kill' thy shall not kill is not that you don'tkill another man, you don't kill another life.

how come we put a man in prison forkilling another man but we slaughter animal relentlessly. now you understand. man has been so selfish, that he onlyhas taken the part which it feeds him. this was the message given to the christand the prophet of the past. 'thy shall not kill' life is precious, the soul of the man orany entity cannot be touched. now, you understand how the wholeholy books have to be re-written. because we only considered manand not the others.

is there any differencenow that you understand between the soul of a cow, a man, a fish, a stone,a tree, another entity in the universe? they all exist in respect to theenvironment of their essence of creation. now, you understand why we areprogressing into the dimension that we understand we take what we need and according to what we givewe can receive. then the killing stops. then, this is part of the progressof the world peace treaty. now we start with man to become peaceful

and in that progress man understands:'thy shall not kill' applies to every entity in the universeand not to the man alone. now, you understand why we haveestablished one nation-one planet. the nation is the totality of the creationof entities of the universe. not just man and the borderswhich have created. when you understand more aboutthe process of the development of the knowledge, of understandingones creation, now you come close to understandthe creator which is me, within me and as we saidas in the other teaching that,

as you soul leads in theinteraction with the fields of the gravitational-magneticfield of the earth, to the creation of physicality of the manto manifest itself with two legs and two armsto show that he exists, now you understand the creation ofuniverse and universes, and what we see as galaxies and the moonsand the stars and the rest of it, is the interaction ofthe fields of the creator. the soul of the creator with the totalityof the fields of his environment which leads to the manifestation ofphysicality of the totality of the universe.

if the soul of the man interactionwith the fields of the earth led to the creation ofphysicality of the man, is there any difference with the souland the love of the creator? that the field from the soul of itin the interaction with the environment has led to manifestationof physicality of itself, which is all the universe andthe universes and everything else within. if you call a universe let's say a 'liver'then liver has different parts we call it galaxies. and then it have sub-partswe call it solar systems.

we have sub-part which is the earth, themoon, the dust and the animals within it. then, you understand there isno difference in any dimension of the creation, till you become strong enough to understandthat the totality of the soul of the man is within the soul of the creator. "i made man in the image of myself" now... the riddle of creation is unfoldingfor the man. do we need to kill, now that we redefined the first rulein the holy books.

"eye for an eye - tooth for a tooth" now we understand. it's the same across the whole creation. is the same across in the total understandingof the totality of the knowledge of the total creationof the universe. not for man who's been pre-occupiedonly with himself, with where he livesand what he eats. the house of the man should not befour walls but should be the universe according to the expansion andunderstanding of his soul

and the strength of his soul as heprefers and tries to interact with. go back to the teachingwhich i refer sometimes. one hydrogen atomcan fill in the whole solar system. so is the soul of the man. is us who has accepted the restriction and with it we have created amayhem of wars, conflict, possession, wanting to haveand wanting to possess. when we understand we alreadypossess, is us who hasn't understood, that we decide on the strengthof what we would like to have,

then we becomedetached from physicality. because, then we understand we ownthe totality of the physicality within us. it's us who has to mature to understand...one cannot steal a gift when it's given to him as a gift. unless he's a thief by nature. the gift of creation and lifeis given to every man. in space we have no clothes. in the space we have no physicaldimension of covering ourselves. is goes back to the teaching of iranianswhen the muslim invaded iran.

they said,"why don't you cover your women?" the iranian answered one simple questionand many of them lost their lives because of it. "we prefer to close our own eyesthan covering our women." it's us who has to control ourselvesnot us trying to control the others. is us who has to understand the totalitythat we are part of and our freedom of the soulis equal to the others. it's us who understands and has tocomprehend that the level of understanding from now on is upon us. you were busy with energy unit, youwere busy with food ganses and the rest.

i led you through this path for you tobecome mature enough to find through the energy of thecreation the soul of the man. and now through the soul ofthe man you can create anything. is you who has to understandthe strength of the soul. your own soul and do not compare it tothe others, because it's exactly the same. it's you who has decided to manifestyourself in that level. we have to respect, we have to understand,we have to go into the total understanding as i just said. in english we have a very good say.

we say, "what is good for the gooseis good for the gander." which is what is good for a female duckis good for a male duck. what is good for the man applies tothe other creatures of god too. be it the plant, be it the animal,be it another entity from the universe. we have to stop this habit of consuming,packages of energy, because the physicality ofthe position has dictated us. if we elevate our soul in understandingthe position of our soul and the strength of our soul, we becomein that process detached from consumption of the physicality from this planet.

many are achieving this as theyunderstand more and more the teaching. many are in the path of understanding. many are comparing and convertingfrom the animal kingdom into the water to receive the energies. some, have already passed the stepand they're understanding more. it is important for us from this point on,to understand the reality. to understand totality,to not... to be so narrow minded to what it suits me,in my village of earth, but what it suits my soul in the universalcommunity and in totality of the universe.

as we open the doors of the universe withthe knowledge we share, now we are a roomin a bigger house, in a bigger city,which belongs to the one nation. earth is that one room. now you open the door, to enter thehall, to see the bigger picture. first we have to understand what wehave with us, how we dress our soul, that when we open the door we do notwalk into the cold of the winter, when we arewearing summer clothing. we have to start understandingthe process of the creation.

we have to understand that it's us whois the dictator of the physicality of us, and not blaming and allowing the othersto abuse us, to tell us to feed theirs. then, wherever we land in this universewe don't look for a mosque, for a church, for a temple to find someoneto give us guidance, because the guidancein the universe is one. and there's only one rule, by the worldof the creation and the creator. loving and sharing and givingwithout expectation to receive. when you have the expectation it means youhave brought the dimension of physicality i expect to be seen to be in this place.

now in this placei have four arms and two legs. expectation i want to be a millionaireso i have to rob everybody else to gather to what my expectation is. the physicality of the man is the essenceof the operation of his physicality from the fields of his soul. as i've said before, we report wehave seen many people, many entities, from other planet and ufo'sand i said many times, "how many of them wear tuxedos, andhow many of them are in the bathing suit, or how many of them appear to usin a wedding dress?"

none. the frock of the man has the... has to bethe manifestation of his physicality from the strength of his soul. then, man does not need the clothes to wearto confirm his position and his standing. this has become the habit of the man. put them on the clothe of the robe of a priestand do what ever you like. give them the robe of the religionand abuse every soul. give them the crown of the kingdomand abuse their physicality. when the man understandshe is the king of himself,

and he is the priest of himself,that he decides what he possesses and is equal to the others and needs no one because now he understands his soulis the dictator of his position in respect to the others,man needs no religion and no kings. then he can travel the space of universe. because, outside the boundary of a fewmetres of this property of land, we call 'earth', there are no kings. and there are no priests in the universe. as i've said many times, "has anybody seenany churches in the space?"

if there was,christ would have been busy building so many on the moonand the other planet the same with the other prophets. so man has to learn... has to understand does not come by meditation,it comes by comprehension. of the strength andthe existence of his soul. i've taken you as i've said many timeto see the fields. now in seeing and testing,and you measured it,

you made the pen and you put it,no nothing goes through your skin, but your pain goes, now you knowthere is a field which can take the pain, but what is that field, why does it touch methat i don't now feel the pain? because it touches the strength of the entitywhich are called pain, which comes from the manifestationof the level from soul of the man to the physicality pointof the brain of the man, what we callthis is where we feel the pain. we recognize this strength as a pain,and we try to do something with it. now we have to understandthat we recognized the strength of thought,

and then the detail we thinkwhich is the more giving we do, the closer we become,to the soul of the man. to understanding the strengthand in that point we become in touch, we become to understandthat we do not need even the vehicles, what we call the space shipto travel the space of the universe. i asked the question from a religious mansome times ago, i said, "when the prophet receivedthe message from the god, did he come in a space ship,or hit he land on the back of a donkey? or did he comeas a enlightened in the message

from the messengers who brought the message,those who are enlightened?" he said, "that time we were not therewe didn't know." i said, "you follow the man,you have to know how he received it." when you go to buy a car,do you ask the man, "is this car stolen, or is it good,you paid for it? how did you get it that i'm sure,i don't want to receive a stolen goods?" then, how do we allow this to happensto our path of belief, in a condition of submitting our soulsinto that direction? then when we mature enoughto understand,

we are made of the interactionof the fields of the universe, we didn't pop up suddenlyin the space. the fields of the universeslowed down enough to make galaxies strength, and then it slowed down enoughto make the solar system strength, then it slowed down enoughto make the planet, and the the interactionslowed down enough to become the soul, the strengthof the physicality of the man. now we understand,we carry the totality within us. as we came from the total,from the principle, from the creator.

then can we revert back,to go back to the strength of the creator? and the answer is yes.why not? then we don't need to do wrong,we have to be able to understand the totality. the deeper we think, as i said,"does not come by meditation, it comes by understanding the realityabout the creation, about the field interactions. then we understandthe totality of the knowledge of the creation." and this is where many menwill come to become confused, because i have to acceptthat i am responsible for my own creation, i'm responsible for my own manifestationat the point of the field-strength

which i would like to manifest myself,and can i accept to have four legs and two arms, and can i acceptthat i can not touch nothing, but to praisethe love of the creator by giving, that i can enjoy the presenceof the others by receiving. now maybe today i opened another doorin the understanding of the man, as we open the mans doorinto the space, that he can interactwith the rest of universal community. it's not how we make a magrav systemto make some energy to have free, because they have enslaved usthat our mentality and knowledge was not to see

that we can absorb energy ourselves,that we can create the energy, we call itthe aura of our body, which is the interactions of the fieldof the mans soul with his physicality, with the environment of the entity of the earth,and the universal fields. then we don't need to kill another entityfor us to receive packages of it, instead of us knowing that i take what isfreely given, but i don't take which is not mine. then we become the true man of space,then become true man of this physical life. does not matter wherever we lay our head,it's our home, be it on earth, be it in the galaxies,be it in planet zeus.

as i say many time,"i teach to enlighten that you find your own path,you find your own dimension." i don't teach, because then it becomes written,and it has to be fought. any questions? (rdf) ... mr keshe morning.(mk) good morning. (rdf) this is ralph ...(mk) from? (rdf) ... texas.(mk) yes? (rdf) i was thinking ...thank you for the teachings by the way ... all these years ... in the past ...this knowledge ... was ...

given ... to us in like few, and ...because it was, it was, believed that most people could not understandthis knowledge so, it was kept a secret. so you, you've been to the public today,and i thank you for that. (mk) you're welcome.(rdf) ... i was thinking of, on the lines of ... ... developing a technique or method to ...strengthen the soul ... strengthen the emotions sorry.so we can be more effective at using it. ... i ... hello?(mk) carry on. (rdf) yeah i think you, you probably did thatin the mozhan classes ... mohan ... (mk) the,the process is not teaching,

the process is that you have to findthe path of your own. we guide to know where the target is.(rdf) okay. (mk) what you are aiming at.each one of us, as they say, all roads reigns, lea...ends up in rome. we all reach our soul,but depends which path we use, and where we failthat we have to learn from it. if you go the wrong waywe come back again, i took a wrong road, it's a cul-de-sacit's the the one way, or it's a dead end. (rdf) uh-hm.(mk) till we don't end,

till we don't learn,that we have to go to the path of correct conduct,we always end up in a dead end. and then we blame the guy who put the signwrong and they didn't do the map wrong. we don't look that,"i did wrong, i took the wrong path." that way,we don't blame no one. many of us, blame everybody else,for what we do ourselves, and then we blame them that you did wrong,because i did nothing wrong. where, i was the cause,i took the path and i've failed and i still come backand i take the same road again.

because i'm so busyblaming the others, i don't see it's me who has failedto choose the right path. reach the soul,you don't need teaching the soul. understand it,you don't need to copy it. there is no way i can teach you,then i have to sit here, teach the soul of the man, the cat, the dog,the fish, and then the other things. and it's to many beings on this planet,i don't have the time. we teach you, then you can teach throughyour soul, to the animals of this planet. considering man ispart of the animal kingdom.

there is no shortcut,the only shortcut is for man to understandthe essence of his own creation. (rdf) also, i was thinking along the lines,along the lines of ... your signature drawingthat you usually do, the ... spiral, as it expands, and whythere is outwards and outwards, you know ... i was thinking along ...what i ... the certain points on the spiral, could be, could represent ...a specific strength, relating to a...relating to a particular emotion. (mk) of course,that's what i've been teaching all the time.

each emotion hasa certain strength. (rdf) uh-hm. (mk) so you haveto find the strength. you know some people say,"i don't feel no pain." is this a path to understandthat they have found out that, that strength which i call 'pain',does not belong to me, i do not know,i prefer not to know because i can. it can not do anything to methat it can change me, that's all it says. maybe is a path for somepeople to follow to understand.

(rdf) so we have to come ...we have to become more attuned to our feelings and emotions ofour body, physical body essence. (mk) no you have to becomedetached from your physical body but become understandthe emotion of your soul which manifestsitself in your physicality. (rdf) right. (mk) go back in ... (rdf) every, every cell continue, carry that... (mk) of course.(rdf) as a soul.

(mk) of course. if you considera cell in your body as let's say the moon then the totalityof the cell put together of liver, of heart and everything else hasled to the creation of a man which is you. so, is the same with the creator. then, stay on line thesame, you're of the same. any other question? (jb) hello mr keshe.

(mk) yes. (jb) this is jon from arizona. (mk) hi john. how are you? (jb) oh i'm fine, thank you. okay, i've got a couple of questions. ... we're doing a lot of tests now alot of different variations of tests with the dynamic ... (mk) can you reduce yoursound level? is very high. (jb) okay ...

... so we do a lot of...is it, is that better? is it better?(mk) yes, yes is better carry on. (jb) ... so we do a lotof different testing with the dynamic reactors ...different configurations. ... i'm a little bit what, whatwe're trying to do is to open up the hydrogen adamswhere they in essence light up and, and open upinto the bigger fields. and we spin 'em atdifferent speeds and ... it seems like ... we'vetried one ball configuration

with all the materials of one ball. we've tried two ball configuration,we've tried three ball configuration and all of them withdifferent speed etc? ... what we're not able toget to the point of, is... is... actually compressing the hydrogento where it can open... open up. (mk) can i give you a suggestion? (jb) okay. (mk) i've seen your configurations and i've seen the fixing point of thefour-star systems you put on the table.

start moving the systems, not creating the higher speed. don't forget is magravgravitational positioning. your system needs tobe adjusted in a distance that the interaction allowsthe opening of the plasma. (jb) i think the dynamicconfiguration will get a lot of magnetic, a lot of magnetic strength andnot enough gravitational strength. (mk) yes, you do notknow you have to position it move them, don't fix them,move them till you find a position.

i explained this in one of the teachings. i explained to you inpart of the private teachings. i explained to you to understand. let me explain ... when you have your cores. now you're rotating your cores withdifferent systems with different meanings, motors or whatever. go back and if you remember... ah, i don't have my camerait was what i have shown you.

if you remember when we putthe ring magnets near to each other. one magnet moves whenyou bring the other closer. if you could hold the magnetin its position an you bring it close the magnet starts rotating. this is something none of you understoodand i repeated in different shape or form. then when that comes,you have no motors. this is how the speed of therotation of the planet is dictated. we don't see any motorsto starting anything. is the magnetic-gravitationalpositioning of one in respect to the other

which decides and dictatesthe speed of the rotation. now, you created the rotation. then this rotation itselfcreates field pressure on the plasma of the hydrogenwhich you want to ????. it's the way you charge it. when you look at in thenuclear atomic structure you look at the proton and electron and we call it the bandwidth which the electron moves.

if you look at it there's the reason forhis rotation it's not only coming closer and going away because thecompression on the field strength creates his rotation and emotion. then at this pointis where it raises its energy at this point is the maximum isgiven, it comes back to collect more. this is never understoodby the word of physics and this is where we call itthe bandwidth and that's it. is not... is that this point whichcreate his rotation throws it away and then it comes back and it needsmore to receive from the gravitational.

here he has more gravity,here he has more magnetical field in respect to the proton. so your problem is thepositioning of your reactors. these reactors have been fixed byfields and you want to create a condition. you have to be able to bring itto the point that it creates rotation in the ... plasma without the motors. i've done that withdemonstration very recently. i have made systemto show it differently. so, you are hoping by rotating -rotation is a physical entity.

there is a limit youcan put by rotation. now you have to create magnetic fieldcompression and you are not creating it. that's why your plasma doesn't open. (jb) okay that make sense. so ... (mk) you have reach, you have a ... if you take your cores,just fix your cores under, as they are. but leave them loose enough. but, you create acondition of rotation in one and then you'll see,the others are rotating.

we've seen this if you look atthose magrav units which the box where the ganses were rotating twoor three years ago people were showing, nobody understood. when you get a gans in your handand you see a gans is moving to the top and a bottom gans still there, especially when you producezinc oxide and co2, zinc moves up. if you introduce slightly,another material next to this you start see your zinc rotating. because, the field pressure between thesetwo pushes field release towards this.

and nobody has understood. we don't need motors tocreate rotation of the cores but you are lookingat the physical rotation but there's a limit 2500 rpmis the maximum, maybe 3000. then you have to go into the essenceof rotation of the fields within the gans. we've shown this many times. this is how we manageto create with a constant. we didn't change the speedof rotation we just built up, built up and we went to 129 tesla.

this should have been understoodtwo years, three years ago and nobody has understood this. then when you go in thatlevel the essence of the emotion becomes controller of it. then you can control thespeed of rotation by your emotion because you cometo the strength because you createdthis material and you always carried some aminoacid in it though the control of the man. very simple.

you fixed your reactors and you're tryingto compress... you go to 100 thousand rpm. it doesn't make any differencebecause you are not creating field compressiongravitational magnetic field. (jb) okay that... that's a big help. (mk) now you underst... you should be nearer toflight system with your system. i watched is beautifulwhat you set up. but, now you haveto move till you find. watch, don't look forthe rotation of the motor,

look for the rotation of the gans. (mk) in, in your email you sent methe text, you sent me today or yesterday. you ask that you see that allthe materials go to the back to the wall of the gans,to the wall of the core. if you put enough of it in saturatethe system with let's say 30, 30 % of each, look which layer starts rotating. when you bring the systemtogether then it gives you strength you have to start calibratingand then you find motion, no time. it's the field chargewhich you have to look for.

one of your reactors or bottomreactors has to become a field charge. (jb) has to be, what is you,what are you calling it? (mk) it's a, it's a gravitationalmagnetic field charge of the system. there is a charge system. if you reach it the earth will repel you. to the point whereyou can create gravity. many times when you want to take offfrom a ground point, from the zero point you don't need to change becauseyou have nothing to compare to lift, you have to create a field charge.

which means you use your topcore as a field charge in comparison to the three baseand your surrounding rotating cores. and then at that point becausethe field... in a way, if you look at it, your bottom three becomes the negative,and your top one becomes positive which is a giver then you have tocreate a strength field, which in respect to theearth gravitational magnetic field gravitational magnetic fieldof the earth catapults you off, and then the system settles itselffor a space position.

the space travel, take off fromthe zero point usually can be done it's one of the easiest way to do it is,is creating that condition of field discharge or potential difference in positive andnegative in respect within your system and earth gravitationalmagnetic field system. where for example your systembecomes the proton and... sorry electron and the earthis the proton where irr.. as i just explained,it pushes away to a point, at that point, you even travel with a sp..build up to the speed of light, and then at a point whenthe inertia field forces of the earth

with gravitational magnetic field of the earthbecome balance with the atmosphere, then you build intothe speed of light to travel. within the earth you can, it's very hardto travel within the speed of light, because the atmosphere is so thin,it's only few 100, 10-50 kilometers, 100 kilometers maximum. so, try to look inside, and i've said thismany time to see how the core rotates, and then you can spellstep up into motion and lift. because when you handleyou've gone into the matter-state you are dealing with the inertiafield forces gravitational magnetic field.

you have to push yourself awayfrom inertia gravitational magnetic field by catapulting yourselfoff the ground in a positive negative directionif you understand, and then you pick up your speedand your position. (jb) okay. one other question ... so, if we ... are... well one of the thingswe're trying to do also is to build a spaceship with our thoughts ... and during the week it was mentioned,and i found it very odd that when entities go aboard an...another spaceship,

that their soul is ... givenover to the spaceship that they might alltravel jointly. so ... (mk) not given to the spaceshipyou give it to another soul to carry. this is a very well practiced system.you become passenger. it's just like you give your bodyto a pilot to take you to a place. (jb) but ... for me it's likei don't know how you would continue operatewithout your soul but ... (mk) no you can operatevery easy you have a soul because the physicalitycan't operate if there is no soul.

you speak on the soul levelnot on a physical, depends how much you go into the understandingof the totality of the knowledge. (jb) well, this isthis is where my question comes up. so, are we able to take an aspect of our soul,and load it into... i'll call it 'reactors', that we create in our,in our mind and put one aspect ... (mk) can i, can i justbefore you go further, explain? is your reactor carries the strengthof your soul, or you think it does? (jb) ... so, if we're creating it,yes it can. i don't know, that's my thinking.(mk) so, you have no problem.

(jb) so we can create,we can put an aspect of our soul, not just emotionsinto these imaginary reactors and ... that ... (mk) you go to, can i, can i answer you jon,can i, can i just say something? (jb) yes.(mk) is your soul imaginary? (jb) no, it's not! (mk) so, you don't put itsomewhere imaginary. you have to, to understandthis is part of where i put it. (jb) so i'm talking about an aspectof our soul, of part of our soul. a...

(mk) yeah. why you want to send an electroninstead of the whole package of the neutron? (jb) ... what i'm trying to do is to get,(mk) (laughing) (jb) to get my spaceship,my quote, "imaginary spaceship", to be able to light up,and carry, carry ... the energy of, of all. (mk) yeah, then ... it wouldonly light up within you at the level you understand. do you understand what i mean? nobody else will see it,but you understand it. and accordingly you understandthe space you have created

for its elev... what i call, 'elevation'. (jb) okay ...i'll think on it. (mk) try the system you understand,try your system till you seethe field force interaction. i made a system with armen ... past couple of weeks, and ... ... past week or so. it's very nice but haven't managedto show how it operates

hopefully the next week whenwe are together we can show him. where you can rotatedynamic reactors from fields, and if you position it further or closerto certain number of magnets, you will see that themagnets will start rotating. we have already built it,armen just finished it ... then we seewe don't need the motors. we need the field forceswhat we call let's say the soul of the systemfrom one reactor, that in the strength reduces enoughthat rotates the magnets, in a matter-state.

this is how the field forces of the suncreates the rotation within the structure of the field forces of the gravitationalmagnetic field of the earth itself. where the gravitational magnetic fieldof the earth interaction leads the, to rotationof the body of the planet, where the interaction of the fieldsof the system of the earth, what we call 'atmosphere',with the sun, creates the rotation ofthis earth around the sun. the interaction of gravitationalmagnetic field of the fields, internal fields of the earth,creates the rotation of the earth.

then the interaction, the balance interactionof between these two and the sun creates the rotation of the motion ofthe earth within the solar system. then the interaction of gravitationalmagnetic field of our sun with the galaxy dictates the rotation of the sun,the solar system in the galaxy. this is how motion is created. you have to have another oneto dictates the motion of the other while itself has its own rotation,this is what has not been understood. and i've been trying toteach this so hard for years. then you'll findyou can move in any dimension,

according to the strength you createwithin the system internally. that its interactionwith the other creates it. this is how many timesin the teachings we explain. they said venus is rotatingclockwise because a meteorite hit it. no! the venus rotatesclockwise because the internal gravitationalmagnetic field of itself has got a balance which dictatespositive rotation, your clockwise rotation. or the field-strength from outsidewhich enforces on it because of the closenessto the strong field of the sun

has dictate the field force intrusion,which means, the field forcebetween the sun and the venus not only has allowed the rotation,within the solar system, now the feed is stronger,that it has to become opposite rotation, that it can find its position,and then dictates the rotation. we've seen this in the reactor testingten years ago when we, we... i've explained even in tehran when we,when we run the first reactors. your inner core stops,and start rotating the opposite way. now you understand this, this, graduallythe science as people understand more, opens up.

it's the, this is what i said,couple of teachings ago, that man has not understoodthe field interaction between the gravitational and magnetic field,that it creates the energy. this is how you getthe clouds getting charged. that's how you createflow of the air on this planet. it's the interaction of the fields, man should look when you sayit's such a atmospheric condition, look about the position of the fieldsinside the core of the system. in interaction with its mass, magma,and its inertia which is the solid part of it,

of the matter part of it. then we can predict thousands of yearsahead if you understand it, how the weather is going to be. the way we predict this is gonna bethe ma, the earth will be in september in this position in the solar system,and in october in that position. we got to understanddeeper the knowledge. (jb) thank you,you gave me a lot to think about. (mk) ahh, how we don't think, act on it,you'll see it. (jb) oh we're always acting.we do it a lot.

more than you realise.(mk) thank you very much, thank you very much jon.thank you. (ab) good morning mr keshe.(mk) hi azar i was waiting for you. hopefully we see you in tehranby the look of it. (ab) yes ... definitely. ...(mk) thank you very much. (ab) thank you mr keshe.mr keshe, last time i asked you a couple of questionsand i usually go and i listen to it a couple of timesbecause sometimes i have to dissect your answers to see,pick up the points.

so, as i was going through my day,information popped in my head. am i correct to say that we,everything is a field, we stream in the field,and if i give it a number, ... say banana has a field of 10,if i create the field of 10 in my hand, i can get a banana. i you ...(mk) you get a field of the banana. then you have to decide if you wantto make it to physicality of banana. (ab) i... absolutely... then i, if i have a,if i wanna have a bar of gold which is 5, if i create the field of 5i can get a, a bar of gold. so, if you come to the emotion,emotion i can give it a number too,

say love is 100, joy is 50,anger is 15, and, and then ... then we have the physicality emotion,and then soul emotion. so, for example if you and iare standing on a situation, and our relationship to the situationis the same and both are joyfuland our number is 50 both, suddenly with the situation we're observingyou get angry, you drop to 15, i stay still joyful, so if i have 35 fieldand i borrow, and you borrow from me, you are stay, can still stay joyful,because you come to 50. so, there is no situation in lifeshould makes us angry or sad or anything,

it's all about the field.(mk) congratulations. (ab) okay. thank you.and then now i was thinking.. (mk) this is, let me,let me explain, i would love to expanda little bit on this azarjan. (ab) thank you. (mk) this is why there isno conflict in the universe. there is no war. there is no anger. as the man receives, the entity receivesas much as it needs

that it satisfies its balance. carry on. (ab) okay, so i was thinking,i'm not sure about this, i'm thinking it's the soulonly has love which is 100, it can not have anything elsebecause it's the soul. soul, if the soul didn't have love it would,it couldn't go through the universe, the only thing soul carries is love,nothing else, soul doesn't have anger,soul doesn't have ... (mk) yes, yes, but wait, wait, wait..you touched something very important.

i'm gonna explain,you are right, but let, let me explain something to youvery interesting. this is part of the teachingi didn't want to do, you put it on,i'm gonna tell you. this is your soul, this is your brain,as i explained. soul is a 100% giver,all the time. it's the physicality of the brainin the condition of physical earth, which creates the strengthwhich we call it anger. i just explained this.so, your soul always gives that 100.

it depends where at what strength you catch,this to you is anger, this to me is anger. because i understood more,i came closer, more detached. i do not get angry with that. to another person this is the angerbecause its become more detached from the physical boundaryof the existence. so what is anger to me, which i understand,anger it means i do not want to accept, i do not want to take,it's a big difference, but if you look, the soul,both souls of me and you, radiating the same 100%all the time.

it's the filter position we put on it. it's the way we have accepted. i explained this very recently,in respect to child abuse. in the west we say 18 years old,is the point of maturity. in islam they marry a 9 year old. and islamic world has accepted thisas acceptable. where in the others we do not. where by this we accept, because it's the waywe have accepted the condition. by this we don't.

it's how, what it means to usto be the point of acceptance. in how we feel it. and what we have acceptedbecome limit of acceptance. how some people, to them crime is normal.they rob every day, and they kill everyday. they're called,whatever you want to call them. to the othersthey go to the other end of the world, to pass an antthat you might not put your foot on it. that it might harm it. it's what we have accepted, in the understandingof comprehension of the feeling.

(ab) ... thank you mr keshe.mr keshe now i understand this part, now i have a new question.you were just talking about, we each soul, each of us have to do our own conduct,if we go to the wrong road, we shouldn't, i mean,we shouldn't blame other people. my question is, there are tho...thousand of people in syria get bombed, they are not doing anything wrong,we have a wrong conduct bombing them, so, what's up with that?i mean they are not doing.. (mk) go and speak, go and speak to the oneswho have taken their children to bahamas for a holidaysby selling those bombs.

go and askwhat is wrong with that. (ab) yeah, but if those people complaint,their complaint is right because, we are doinga bad thing to them, then they're sitting at home peacefullyand if they come... (mk) yes but, but this is what we set up,this one nation, one planet, this is what we, we call, i call this,i call this, "murder by proxy." it's not the guy who shoots the bomb,or releases the bomb. you have to go back to the guywho made the bomb and now, he had a manger who got paid forproducing more bombs,

and he got bonus for it,and it sits in the bah, in a holiday home, or in a beautiful placeon the beach somewhere. because he produ..this is what the man has to understand, it's not the guy who release the bomb,now, now we understand, the man who got the commissioneven to make the bomb, the man who thought of the bomb,now we understand, their soul is responsiblefor their physicality. it's why there isso much cancer in united state, why there is so much problem with peoplein united state.

ask how many soulsthey have killed in past 50 years. because now we understand. it's not that they guy dropped a bombon people sitting at home in syria. it's the bomb the guywho got the commission manufactured it in arizonaor california or wherever. and then, the man who sold the meatto the man to eat to have the holiday because he knows, "hello, sir,how is the work? you are the director of such a bomb manufacturing. i knowi feed. i'm responsible for it." this is what has to be understood.

this is why we support thechinese government. a peaceful act, they understood.they understand. and we see all the problems whichcomes from united state. all the european countries whopromote war and guns. they are paying. look at the infestationsin these societies. because now, they are collectivelyresponsible for their act, because now we understand. you put a magnet on the table,and you throw a magnet in the middle. see how the other magnets jump outand far away from a distance.

they go separated. because they take a distance fromthe reality of the position of the center. this is what we have to learn. and then, no man will even think tomake a bullet. let own the metal, that it might be usedfor the bullet. i've got received a massive contractsto send metals to gun manufacturer. i'm responsible for the soldiersdying in syria. and i pay through my children,to cancer, to everything which happens. we have to understandwe are responsible for collective.

conduct of the end product. i hope i answered you azar? (ab) thank you mr keshe. that was,that was, that was correct. thank you. (rp) good morning, mr keshe.it's rui speaking, from portugal (mk) yes, good day or good morning.or good afternoon. (rp) i have a question to clarifysome points here, that? (mk) you have to explainwho you are, please. (pr) i told already, maybe not listened,not loud enough (mk) you are a member of theuniversal council.

(rp) exactly. andi'm represent the portuguese language. (mk) thank you very much. (rp) and my question, it's in the drawer.it's here, on your brain before we show our approximatelyit's from the soul different... the gods, the joy,emotions, and the pain and i understood already there isdifference between emotion of the soul and emotionof the physicality the thing is my concernit's that... the... of the manipulation of the emotionsput on the light of the soul

i think it is a problem ofthe human being here. so, it's being manipulated,it's like not to show. and it's manipulatedto the mind... mind i call 'thoughts'. and the thoughts,the mind gets manipulated through you know, through hypnosis, for instance,and many different influence. so, what i would like you to explain ishow it... that works and how you can be free of that, for our soul,be shining, complete. thank you, it's my question. you have to understand the positionof your soul and your physicality,

in respect to the field, gravitational fieldas strength of the earth, is a relevant. has a relevance.and how you have managed to position your soul in respect to the physicalityof the earth's gravitational-magnetic field. we see some nations are peaceful,because in that area, the field-strength of the mixture, compositionof the magrav of the central core, and the inertia of amatter part, creates a condition which is more towardsa peaceful emotion part, joyful part, or love part of our existence.or the materials which used and consumed by the man in that position elevates,feeds the strengths to be more of this level.

which means, more of the energy isabsorbed at this level in the brain of the man. so, now we understand, as i explainedearlier on in teaching, our soul interaction, our physicalmanifestation. in essence, the soul is a giver, but ininteraction in the field environment and what would be consumedin the physical part of us, which affectsthe existence of the emotion in the soul of the man,in the brain of the man. you got to realize something very simple.this is the body of the man.

i just explain.this is, let's say, we consume, let's say,a lot of food, which is very high in, let's say, magnesium.or let's say, zinc. our body, the physical part, hashis own emotional field-strength. of, field-strength of the zinc. but our physical brain has the same,which is of the stronger. so, as you see, our food affects ouremotion in our body. it's not that it goes there,it embeds in the physical part, which it's interaction effects the partwhich is connected to the brain part,

which is from the center of the soulof the man. which radiates out, that sitsthe soul of the man. as we become more giver,the closer we become into receive. so, how we see why the frenchare so romantic? look at their way they eat. why they... i always explain betweenpakistan and india? it's the same land. now it's the food which brings adifferent dimension of bigger packages. more, less energy.

just one second, please.i have to answer a door. just one second. this is what we got to understand.this is the level of the position. this is what we have to comprehend today,because we never explained this before. because, we were not mature enoughto understand. now, as we teach, we understand more. if you look at india and pakistan,they are the same blood they came from. in different path of belief,they consume, they use, they apply different way of food that the energy ofthe physical part of it, affects their emotion. which means, in fact, if you look at it,it's what they put in their physical part,

which is, this part is your gaseous part,this part is your matter-physical part of the earth, because now it has a blood,they you understand what happens. this moves to bring embrace that.so, the whole lot has not been understood. this is us, who have to understandthe progress in knowledge, in understanding more of, andbeing able to use it to elevate our own soul, to elevate, to absorb, to becomemore closer to our soul. that, we come closer...the soul, strength stays for thousands of years, millions of yearsthe same once it's created. it's us who elevate ourselves to becomecloser, and as we become closer,

the physicality at this level becomesirrelevant. when we come mature enough totake into space, then the gravitational field of the earthis become irrelevant. then we become detached from this part,which is connected to the earth. we more work on the physical partwhen we are on this planet, and we work lesswhen we go in another dimension. which means, when we work in the soul area,which is the gaseous part, it's less matter straight,strength, in the level of the matter of the stateof the body of the man.

and then we become,what we become in the space. this is how the food we eatcreates a interaction with the soul we have. weaker feeds the stronger, so now the strongerwhich is the soul of the man, has to use part of its energyto feed the weaker part. meat is weak, but more of it. vegetation are much stronger,but at the strength of the soul of the man. this is what we have to understand,then we can adjust. (rp) thank you mr keshe, can i go furtheragain to the question?

(mk) yes.(rp) ... i saw the draw that you put ... at the least ... in the brain ...that goes to the extreme, to the center of where is the soul of the man,and that was you wrote pain, and then joy, and then love,then thoughts. so in this order ...and there his brain is tracking well ... my concern it's, how you can bringthe light of the soul through this path, ... through thoughts, becauseour thoughts are manipulated through food as we show it, so sure,and many things, and through our minds, ... different ideas things that,that the environment put on us.

so, what you can do to deliberate the veilthat it's between the soul and our thoughts, and that pencil of manipulationto feed the man? how you decides the foods,what else? (mk) let me explain it in a different way,collectively. if we call this the field whichemanates from the soul of the man. then, if we placethe brain of the man in it, then we place in it the physicality,if this is your ear, and this is your ear, and this is your scull, this part of it,is your upper arm, this part of it is yourfingers and hand,

this part of it is your emotionof different strength, this part of it is closer to totality,our thoughts are very much if you look at it, is the strength field of the totality. but, because it touches our soul,we have access to the total. then, we understand now, that eventhe fields of the earth has interaction with us, with our emotion, with our feelings,with our souls fields radiated. then we understand thiscan be moved in any direction. this is important for us to understand. then we understand the thoughtcovers the spectrum, not just one.

i hope i managed to answer,if you are good? (rp) thank you mr keshe,i just want to know how to free the manipulationof the thoughts of the man's from exterior parts of himwithout his will. that's all. (rc) we have erik with his hand up,he might have a question? erik come and open your mike there,i can help you with that. you're unmuted go ahead. (ek) hello, it's erik from denmark.... hi mr keshe ... you asked me to return back ... regarding the heating system,and i've tried different things,

and firstly i can say that the swedish housethere was not bags in all the rooms. and i was there one week ago,and the temperature inside the house was, air temperature inside the housewas around 19 degrees, and celsius. and ... then i added some more bags to the,to the last rooms, and also to the cellar, and while was there, the temperaturerose to 21 degrees celsius. and paul ex... ex... explained to me,that part of this temperature rise was due to my own field. ...the reason it works there, is probably because there is an energy spot4 meters from the house, and this is what paul calls ...'energy in the environment'.

but i, as i added more bags ...to the remaining rooms, it worked fine, and it was very nice for me to seethat it has worked without my presence, and it works without any copper plates,nano-coated copper plates, and it works without me spraying all the housewith the co2 gans, which i have doneat home in denmark. and i also did this test that you asked me for,where i increased the amount of ch3, ... liquid plasma water, and the result isquite strange to me, because within some minutes,the temperature rises about one degree, and then it goes back again.

maybe a little bit more than it was but,almost back to the original temperature. and the, i'm sure there isa good explanation for that but, i'm not sure i can, can give it. so what's, what is your say on that? (mk) i wasn't there,i just, i fell out. so i don't underst,i didn't get your question. (ek) ... how much did you get? (mk) i didn't hearyou coming on at all. (ek) okay. so, hi mr keshe,i'm erik from denmark.

we were talking about the heating system,and you asked me to come back with, with a test, with the ch3, adding ch3 to a,to a room, and the results from that is that, when i increased the amount of ch3liquid plasma in a room, the temperature, after some minutes ,rises about one degree and then it goes back again.maybe not fully back but i ... (mk) can you... can you explain to mewhere you added the ch3? how did you add the ch3, in the,in the bags or in a core? is the dynamic or a static?(ek) no, no. it's... it's static. it's just ... some bags, ...plastic bags with a liquid gans,

a liquid gans water, ... no, a liquid-plasma water. yeah. (mk) the temperature,after a while came back down to the same as before,more or less? (ek) yeah, maybe a little bit higher,but not much. (mk) but have you ... tried to test,if for example... something for us to learn. if you go half a meter further out, hasthe dimension of the field has expanded?

now, if before you were coveringlet's say ten meter, now are you covering ten and a half meteror eleven meter with the same temperature? do you understand? (mk) then. yes(ek) yes but [inaudible] (mk) this will be very interestingif the... the temperature ... this is just for us you're testing,so you're our guinea pig. you... you reported it,it's your baby. so, if you can explain to us,if you has, if this is the room, and you put your bag here

and a let's say beforeyou always considered this is, only you considered measurementof the temperature inside the room, now has it increasedto another half-a-meter more? because now the whole of half-a-meteris at 22 degrees or 23 degrees. this is, this is what we got,this is the expansion of the field. it'll be interesting to see, is... did you change it in all the roomsor in only one room? (ek) ...here i ... i just changedi changed it in two rooms actually.

but you have to know you have to know that ... i have ... four,four bags of the liquid-plasma, and they are situated at each wall.so if i go outside, i go outside the house except for, yeah,when we have the house it's a there is two rooms in the widthof the house, so in the kitchen ...(mk) can i, yes, yes, let me, let me...i always go back to this. it's very interestingwhat you're doing. becoming more or lessend of summer into winter,

what'll be interesting,you keep these bags here. and when it comes,the snow time, where would you seethe melting of the snow outside? (ek) yes.(mk) you're deal with the fields not with matter,where you put the bag. is how muchthe field is covered. (ek) yes. (mk) it'll be interestingif you let us know. okay. now you increased it by...and then after awhile it came to the same.

but did the field expansionexpand it from 10 meters to 11 meters? (ek) i would expect that.(mk) yeah, so now you state 22 is a balanced temperature, yeah or 23?(ek) yes. (mk) so with the walls of the houseand everything else this field will stay at 22 - 23.we know this. now you confirm it. but what will be interestingas the winter comes if you keep on adding ch3 moreto the wall side or to the whole house,

would you push the barrierof the 22 degrees further out towards the outsidewall of the house? (ek) i, i think i would ...maybe i should try to ... to actually increase the amount of ...liquid-plasma in, in one end of the house and not in the rest. so in the living roomhere at the northern end of the house if i say i ... firstly i could usethe special ganses from paul to make even stronger fields.and then i could make ... (mk) what ganses are using?sorry, what ganses are you using. (ek) the ganses i, i'm using right nowhas been produced by eva.

but i have ganses i got from paulthat he made with his mind. (mk) yeah, but what are these in ganses?which ganses are we talking about? (ek) we are talkingabout the four basic ganses the cuo.(mk) ch3, cou, co2, and (ek) zinc(mk) zno. yeah and ... i have considered also to...to try paul's ganses. and maybe i should try herein the living room to replace a ... the, the bags with eva's ganses to the...to paul's ganses and maybe try three,three to four times more

volume ofthe liquid-plasma. because, i guess that was allwe also increase the fields. (mk) let us know.don't forget you have a factor it'll be very interesting to know. is it warmer on the ground levelor is it colder on the first floor? (ek) it's a, a little colderon the first floor. maybe it's approximately one degree colderat the first floor than the second floor. and you have to know that ...(mk) my house colder on the ground floor than the upper floor.

(ek) yes. a little bit you know... you have to knowmy house is on one side it is two stories, and on the other sideit is one story. so part of the lower roomsare cellar rooms and the others are just free standingin nor, as in a normal house on the ground. but if i measure the temperatureon the floor of the lower level there i have about 22 degreeson the floor. and as i said ... last time, i have,i have magrav ... at the northern end of the house,and this effects of the heating

goes on in the southern part of the house on in the first flooron the cellar floor. it's... i think this is amazing that ....because before i got the magrav i had a very weak heating effect i felt there was somethingmaybe a little effect little more temperature in the housethat i should expect to have without heating,but soon as i put in the magrav then the heating started working. (mk) this is what we see. we,we are developing technologies for this

for commercialization. because 22 degreesis the pleasure field of the human what we are comfortableto work with. the, what we're looking at like in ghanain producing materials that we don't need the feel 20,what do you call it, 30 and 40 degrees inside we can isolate ourselves from itby using different magravs or different ganses. we know it can be done.and if you look at the history of the man,

we, we, we could live in the log housesor we live in houses with a straw it feels warm. because, the structure at that timewhen it gets wet, in so many ways it releases or works with the gansof the material or the wood then a brick house a combination so what we are trying to dois start putting a straws we are mixing into the gans material. which allows the transfer of energyand a balanced system.

we done some testswith this in ghana. and it's a very interesting datawhich is coming up. it's more research is needed to do. so we can create...... conditions that the temperature inside always stays aroundabout 20 - 22. in a way we introducea 'dynamic straw', if you call it,into the structure of the house ... then...(ek) we're do... (mk) pardon?

(ek) yeah, this is very interesting, andand this is valued for new houses. but as you probably know i,i also working on something that will probably be working in a weekto, to help existing houses just with bags and this little thing. and, it will be very interesting to seehow that will work. (mk) what'll be interesting to see is ...if you add some more zinc into it how the emotion of the peoplein the house changes too? or do they becomemore lovable to each other? because now, you actually put the zinc inthe house, they don't need to have oysters.

(ek) yeah, i.... i think it will be very beneficialfor a more harmonic life, to have some zinc in the neighborhood,no doubt about it. and...(mk) i couldn't quite... i would love to know how they react. (ek) yeah. i will... i will...i will leave four pack. i can tell you another thing that ...i have started on paul's cure for losing weight, and so far,not so successful i have lost some weight but paul says hehas never tried it on a person at my age. and then he... he asked my to...to breath a from ... zinc.

so i made a simple bottle with some tubesand put in some of his ... universe zinc liquid-plasma (mk) i'm gonna give you a tip.i'm gonna give you a tip for... it might work on some people,but i give you the result of scientific ... detail with it, behind it. (ek) thank you. (mk) you can lose weightby eating more. but, you have to know how you eat,what you eat, the way you eat. ... i've explained this in the chinese food

when you cook with a high temperature. i said, "we've all been nano-makersfor a long time." chinese have been on nano-businessfrom the beginning of the time, when they created the wok and then,they add a salt to it they create a gans. when you eat the food,you automatically receive the dig... the food is already digested,already in your position that the stomach wants to,do to boil, to create whatever you call it,the enzymes and everything else. the energy is used by the body, from...you already done a pre-gansing in the pot.

so, now when you eat the food, the bodyhas to work to get rid of this food, because now it's receivedall the energy it needs. so, now you loose weightbecause of what you've eaten. this is one of the reasonschinese are slim. unless they consume in a wrong way, you seethe chinese eat huge amounts of food. i say, "how can they eat the same thingso much, lunchtime, dinnertime and breakfast?" and the... the whole process is becausewhen they cook, when they use a wok, which is a high temperature, the...the vegetable or the meat touches the pan, it's already nano-coated, then theyput a water and they put some salt in it.

it goes that short time to a rapidproduction of gans, so now it's a free energy. the minute they eat the food,the energy's received, doesn't need to go througha digestion process, in a way. now the carrots the meator whatever you've eaten, now the body hasto work to get rid of it. because it's received the energy,it's a natural process. so, now you loose weight,you use energy, a negative energy. chinese food, in so many essences is healthy,because of this and nobody ever understood.

i've said many times,i've explained this. so, in a way its like... i explain... if youeat everyday a quarter of water melon, the body takes the amount of sugarwhich you need from it. the rest of it has to work to get rid of it.you loose weight. its a negative energy aftera certain limit of weight. the same thing with the chinese food. the same thing is when you add zinc oxide... to the... to the ch3. it satisfies the bottom and then youcan imagine, you walk in and your wife just walks towards you."hello darling, where are you?"

because you have satisfiedthe emotional part which she needs, or you go home and say,"i'm so happy in the house." "i come out i get so angry or i'll,i'm stressed." because in the house youreceive the fields you need. i'm looking into this developmentfor a long time. we understand it fully. so, ... the hunger youhave to understand why? it works on some, it doesn't work on some,because... the process. you look at the obesity in the western world,obesity in people. we walked away from the natural processof what we have been brought up to do.

you see 'obesity', 'fire fat people' in chinacoming a lot, or in other countries. because the salt contentcreates a condition. the amount of saltthey put in the food, it creates a condition that it forcescreation of bags for the salt to hold the water, because the body mightone day need salt the sodium, in the blood and in conditionof the stomach of the man. because our body works in a salt condition,it's not a acidic condition. so, it needs salt to hold for the futurefor it it absorbs protein, that it can create a sack to hold it as a water.it doesn't hold it as solid.

it holds it as a liquid gans of the salt. so, now that leads to obesity, it bringsto a fatter and fatter condition. we s... we are emotion is storedinside the salt strength of the body, which means we getfatter when we get stressed. because, it's the field-strengthit's connected to the amino acid of the salt strengthof the body of the man. it's very importantto understand the process. if you change the call center... content you'll find out everybody lose,but if you look,

if you've been in certain countries younever see salt and pepper on the table. unless you ask for it. in the western worldhas to be on the table. in most of the countries,you don't even see it in some countries. because, the body is adjusted to that way of,and you can not put weight on. you want to lose weight understand the process, it's not as if i eat chinese foodi get ... i lose weight. understand how the food is cookedand what is put in it, that it doesn't substituteto the other.

in the western world chinese food,they add a lot of starch into it because, it's gottabe sticky and gluey where we don't see that,that much in... in the original way. the heat creates a gans nano-coating immediately. you want to lose weightthere are many ways to do, to make your food negative process.or satisfy the need of the emotion. you'll find out the body does not need. there is a specific salt in the body ofthe man which connects with emotion, which connects to theamino acid to hold on to it

that it makes youthe sacs of the fat. the salt emotion is a very specific andit's controlled directly to the zinc oxide. salt of zinc is connected directlyto the emotion of the man. and nobody up to nowhas managed to make it, because it only is createdinside the body of the man in a gravitational-magnetic field-strengthof the body. which is a sealed containmentof physicality of the fields. can we give time to paul to come in?he asked to be here after 11 o'clock. is... sorry to klaus, is klaus there?(kp) ... klaus, klaus asked...

yes he's here. klaus-dieter do you hear me? (rc) i sent him a message ... a few minutes agoto ask him if he's ready to present, but ... let's see if he's able...(k2) i'm here! (mk) i'm here. (k2) moment. (mk) hi! hi klaus.(k2) ... hello mr keshe, hello rick, hello klaus,altogether. (mk) hi how are you?are you still in austria? (k2) yes, i'm delay buti can present when you want?

(mk) okay can you go ahead, present it to us.have you got your things ready? (k2) yes(mk) okay, i stop sharing you come in please. (k2) thank you. (mk) first of all klaus, explain who you are and what you do that people understandand it's on record. please. (k2) okay i'm a scientist for 30 yrs. my profession is ... to rebuild water and soiland also we make special ... special projects for big companiesfor the health side, for the people who work inthese companies and we ...

have very good results the last 25 years. and now, we work... not now... we worked the last 20 years andthe last 5 years, more and more, with scan techniques fromthe russian ... space .... program and, this scan technology can showhow the gans works on the body. at first we make some studiesand put small patches with gans, on acupuncture points, and measure them,the people before and after. and we see incredible results with thistuning-up system for the meridians, and so i can show how this system work,and we can also show how the gans works,

auf the bio-functional systemfrom the body. at first this is a small pdf.you can see this? (rc) yes, we can see it.(k2) okay. (mk) i switch my microphone off,that you can speak, so carry on please. (k2) thank you. iq-well scanning is acomputer based energetic health system, for analysis and information medicine,and it has two expert systems. and with these two expert systemswe can measure all the vibration patterns, from the information frameworkfrom the human body, also the bio magnetic things,and this system shows us twenty...

two hundred fifty different parameters,for the bio-functional things, and we measure thisin only one or two minutes. ... before, with the old systemswe measured, one to two hours, and this was very complicated to study this,and now is for everyone easy to show, when we change things. this, this is the device, a small device,and you need a computer, fix it up, and there are two electrodes for the...for the head, and one sensor for the hand. and you see me as a probant sitting. and after the analysis,we can show this in different ...

different ... pictures,and we see, is this is in the norm, is somebody too muchor is somebody need it. and, for the organs, for the vitamins,for the enzymes, for many, many things you can show,in two minutes. and now we start this, a friend of me hasthe international rights for selling this, and we prepared this and now we beginto study with this scan technology, all the things that we dowith the ganses. okay. it's from myself.any questions please? (mk) what that does thus mean?what does it mean? can you explain to us?

what can you measurewith ganses? (k2) we can measure the ... you have a bio-functional...level in your body. and when you eat something,or you drink something, or you make differentapplications with the body, we can show, sorry. we can show the difference,before and after. here on this page you see the vitamins,and we make a test with a probant in austria, and we give thentwo small patches with ch3,

on the acupuncture point for lung 1,from the traditional chinese medicine. and after five minutes later,we measure the probant again, and we see that the vitaminlevel has changed. also other bio-functional parametershave changed. and so we can show and look what happenswhen we work with ganses on the body. (mk) does it increase,does it decrease some? or do you see if you out agans of zinc for example, do you see an increase in the zinc body?(k2) is a... is a modulation. it brings from higher in the middle,and also when you have less,

brings it in the middle.it's called 'modulation system'. (mk) yeah, but what do we seewhen we use on the acupuncture points? let's say if we putthe gans of zno? (k2) this probant has less on differentvitamins and we give him the ch3 on the lung and then these vitaminswere exactly in the norm. (mk) you got to explain moreyou are a scientist, we are layman. (k2) okay. every input on the bio-physical systemon the people, changes dynamically every situation.when you eat someone,

your bio-functional thing changes, thestomach, different things have to work, and we can show what is,what works and how it works. (mk) can we with this see the effect ofmaterials on different parts of the body? (k2) yes. that...(mk) and if we, if we, if we let's say, we use a zno, can we see if... where it effectin the arms or in the liver? (k2) yes, we can see this. and in thenext months we have to study this, and have to test some peopleand to show what kind of material, and on what pointbrings the change. (mk) okay. can i go a step further?

what about, what we just talking aboutbefore, in respect to puttinga gans bag of zno in the room. which now we don't use theacupuncture, but we use the environment, can we see if there is a change,can we measure this kind of things? (k2) yes. we show this in the factories,when we change the room quality. this was with other things,with minerals. and we can, we have seen,that's the changes to measure. yes we can see this. when we, when wehave running this small reactor with zno, and we measure people beforeand then he comes in the room,

and we let them sit for fifteen,twenty minutes, then we measure him again, so we can show,what is the difference. (mk) what is the difference? (k2) we begin now to study these things,we have many, many, many studies, with other materials, and now webegin to study this with the gans... ganses. (mk) what is with the other materials?what's the scientific data you come up? (k2) ... i can show you thisin the next presentation, what i make in the last twenty five years,with different companies. when dr priller is back in austria,we prepare this and show

and bring a good presentationabout different studies what we... what we make with the gansesand with a room quality, when we let... have rundifferent reactors. (mk) the original when we met you,you was supposed to make systems for us, that we could understandthe strength of let's say co2, that we can say this material is co2,or this material is zno, or percentage of. how far are wewith that equipment? have you...(k2) i use this for more than, yeah ... also twenty years.

(mk) so, you can tell me...i mean have you tested it with a gans? (k2) yeah.(mk) that we can tell us, okay, this is the gans,what level of gans is in the mixture. because you were supposed to makea camera with it, or video with it, that you could scan itand we could see it. (k2) ... the crystallization what i, what i...(mk) yeah, yeah... (k2) yes? we have to, we have to knowwhat kind of gans you want to measure, and... and we canbuild it up in the labor and can... show it

(mk) are we at a position wherewe can ... give a portable unit to people, that at home theysee what they produce or in the laboratoriesthey see what they produce? (k2) ... you need a veryclean room ... with... (mk) no problem. because weare negotiating with the measurement companiesaround the world. (k2) yeah.(mk) that they want to see a system.... if we can develop, that for example,people can send their material to a lab and say, "i've made this. what...? is it a gansof co2 or a zno or whatever?"

(k2) yes, but ... the... the... the simplestthing is to... measure this with a gas chromatometer ... spectral analyzerwe have ... something... of this devices but is... not so cheap... a little bit expensive. (mk) what is little bit expensive? (k2) ... the measurement method...for gas chromato... (mk) how much does it cost?(k2) i think 30-50,000 (mk) so we can measure ganses that ...we can send the material and say, "this is the gans" or"it's not a gans" or whatever. this is what were looking for.

(k2) i think the... atom or...institute of ghana can also measure this. i think they have gas chromatographsor...or....or... (mk) no, no, no we're....we don't want to do that... we're talking about measuring ganses that is something we can do. because you... i remember that you said,you can produce us such a system. (k2) yes... for... for the piece of paper.this system is ready. but the... the... other systems ...we have in austria a institute and ... i sent them the probesand they make this for me. (mk) okay. so... we can meet shortlyand discuss it, how to do it.

(k2) yes ... when klaus is back in austriawe can fix this up. yes. (mk) okay. that's perfect.thank you very much indeed. (k2) thank you also.have a good d... thank you bye bye. (mk) thank you klaus...bye bye. trying to... i've just seena message in the background... we have herbert in...(kp) south sudan. (mk) university. is he available, he's givinga lecture there in the university? we've seen his picture...(kp) yes.... yes he's in. (mk) is he lecturing or has hefinished lecturing in the university?

(kp) he's still lecturing,he just wrote mr keshe. he al... he also sent a picture half an hour ago,i sent it to rick. maybe rick you could show it (rc) sure yeah. (kp) but his bandwidth is very bad there so,i don't know if he hears us currently? (mk) rick crammond we can see your...your picture you are on your laptop. you want to go outand come back in again? okay. ... this is from the lecturein the university? (kp) yes this is a picturehe sent me half an hour ago

and he's also on the panel list i see. herbert can you hear us? (rc) i'll try to unmute him and see if...(kp) if the lecture's still running... (rc) hello? (hb) hi... hello...the others is here... (mk) he's got a problemwith the bandwidth. (hb) i can hear you.(rc) okay can you hear me this is herbert?(mk) yes. herbert we can hear you. (hb) yes thank you very much.(mk) thank you very much

for your your work...in south sudan what is this lecture about? (hb) here... this lecture is actually, we are on live,live online, listening into your lecture. with mainly... some members of the core teamwho have attended the workshop and mainly studentsfrom the catholic university here. ...are listening... all the... all the... presentations because for a time was toodifficult to understand for the first time. so, i... i did then some....so that they have each the understanding of yourteaching for the next time.

(mk) hello?(hb) yes did you hear me? (mk) yes, yes, your coming brokenthrough but it's okay, no problem.(hb) yeah sorry. (mk) could you give is some morebackground to to the students... what's the background...they are from? engineering? (hb) ... which studentsare here engineering? (inaudible) 5th different location...so... special sciences ... (mk) you see the wholepurpose of these kind of...

(hb) ... we cannot hear you...(mk) can you hear me now. (hb) yeah, now we can hear you.(mk) the purpose of these... teachings you do and we do in....yeah.... the... the message is trying to keep these brains in africaand becoming a asset of the nation. this is what is the problem and we support... works like you. to keep the nations assets which ishuman resources back in... in the nation. and that's what we told you last time.we support and we'll... we always start... financing, teaching and developmentin africa for this reason. they are well educated,they are highly educated

(mk) but the environment(hb) yes for them is not there...we see it in ghana. (hb) yes(mk) as one of the ... we had ... we had one ofthe students who work for us is a master as a master's at the... in the.... in the interviewto the press couple of weeks ago says, "they trained us in the atomic university,but they couldn't give us a job." "and now we have a job withkeshe foundation and we... we stay home. training students to becomeso highly educated and then losing them isa loss of... a asset to a nation

and this is what we've got to change. thank you very much for your work. (hb) ... my request mr keshe for...for the very beginning maybe, if we couldget some books. because also internet is not alwaysavailable and expensive for people. to get some books for for the students,for the ... participants of the workshop that they can read and...at... yeah? (mk) ....the books are easierfor you to download... the books are all on the website...on the internet somewhere.

if they can download one of the pdf'sand then you can print it cheaply in africa. (hb) okay.(mk) the books are free on... free of charge...everywhere in the world. so, if... for us to print booksand trying to get to you... the pleasure of what we've seen nowthat the books are freely on the internet. just download once the .pdfand then print it cheap. for 1 or 2 dollarsand let everybody has it. this is the gift from us to the humanity.(hb) okay, okay thank you very much. (mk) thank you very much indeed.

carry on.(hb) this afternoon... after this...after this ... lecture now. i have an invitation bythe ministry for human affairs... ah yeah, they are already calling me that... that .... not to be late. ... to go there for one and...or one and a half hour. and tomorrow is the presentationin the university main university in juba. (mk) thank you verymuch for your hard work. (hb) uh-hm it's my pleasure.thank you. for your.... thank you for your teaching.

thank you for yourteaching mr keshe. (mk) you're welcome. what you are doing,it's been my wish, for decades... thank you very much herbert.(hb) yes, thank you very much mr keshe. (mk) thank you indeed. we join youor if you can record your conferences, even audio and send it to us, or when youcome back to austria bring with you, and we put as part of the teaching, becauseeach one of us teaches different way. (hb) i think on... next week on mondayi will be back in austria. (mk) thank you very much. safe journey andthank you very much for your hard work. (hb) it's my pleasure mr keshe.thank you.

(mk) i have taughtin different universities in africa, and i know it's... it's beautifulto see these people. devoted to change and we haveto give that ground to them to do. many of these scientists take to theboats, because there is no job at home. we have to give them at homeand destroy the boats. thank you very much indeed. (rc) mr keshe,some people are concerned that the books, are available free in .pdfor something on the internet. there's questions coming up about that.i don't think that, that's what you meant.

just a sort of...(mk) put it this way. if anybody... (rc)... for african people that don'thave the access to books normally. is that true?(mk) the people, the point of concern, is those who want to read the books,they can always download it, and donate anything they liketo the foundation. we got to the point,we open the patents. now the books are even in chinese,in different languages. we print all the books from chinain the coming weeks. all our books, all the languages,those who want the hard copy,

in the original waywill be published and printed, and distributed out of chinese printingoffices or what we call companies. we have lost trust where we printed,they took huge amount of money from us, and according to what you all know,refused to deliver the book, by the instruction of the peoplewho are behind it. so, now we bring our printing into,we paid some twenty-five thousand euro, for the book to be delivered,and they refused, they taken the moneyand they run and they... we understand all of us,the reason behind it.

so, we're transferring all our books,all our publications into china mainland. we trust the nationand we work through the nation. that's why we are holding back some,we lost some eight thousand books now, this way to belgium printers,as fraud and deception, which is their, their natureof the work or set up to do. all the books, if you go on the internet,you can download it, otherwise if the hard copieswe get published and printed in china, and will be distributed from chinaoutward. the... the process is very simple.if you want to download it,

it's the... the... the bookshave been a backbone of the financing a lot of the worksof the foundation. it's there, if you downloadit and you learn from it, put it back into the society,and you can contribute to the foundation. and in africa everything is free,even the books are free. the african studentsthey can register freely on the line, and learn, and download oneand then spread across. i've seen the same thing in sierra leone,i've seen the same thing in... kinshasa, i've seen the same thingin banjul and other places.

paying twenty, twenty-five eurofor a book is too much, but it cost a few dollars to print one,and then spread across the universities. everything to africa, the thirdwhat we call the nations, who are developing themselvesto becoming. in a space technologythey shouldn't fall out, fall behind, it's totallyfree by the foundation. thank you very much herbert. is there anything else,or we shall call the day rick? (kp) mr keshe, this is klaus again,i just wanted to tell herbert,

because i noted he hada lot of expanses in south sudan, if you need support,keshe foundation austria, can help you concerningthe printing costs. so, so just let's keep in ...stay in contact. (hb) okay klaus, i heard you. thank you.(mk) thank you very much indeed. if you put a budget to the university,see how many copies they want to produce, fifty, hundred, a thousandand how much it'll cost, for printing offices in universitiesto print it, the download, the foundation will pay for it.

(hb) okay, we will give..(mk) you pay the printing of... (hb) we will make a budget.i need to find out... how many page...how many pages is the book? (mk) no, i don't know, some book...i don't know the book... print out a4, it's two,three hundred pages. but we made a paymentto the university to print it, but to the limits they accept to do,but can not be sold, has to be given to the studentsfreely. this has to be made. thank you very much.(hb) okay, it's clear, it's clear yes.

yes, thank you very much.(mk) thank you very much indeed. thank you. this is the work we do as foundation,the knowledge as to be free, and for those who can't afford it,we provide it. this is the way we started,some twenty-thirty years ago, and we keep our ethos. no man should fall behind just becauseof financial means in gaining knowledge. that's why all our teachingshas been free up to now. all the nations and peoples,even the europeans, we have europeans who can't affordthe books, we given the books freely.

we have given a book freelyto people in saudi arabia, who could not afford buying it. the first books of the keshe foundationwent to saudis who could not afford a book. and we thoughtit's a rich nation? any other...(rc) would be available on the main keshe foundation website mr keshe?(mk) what is on the keshe foundation website, is for sale.what is on the internet you can do. because is already being downloaded. weknow it's been downloaded millions of times. they... they madesure it goes and that's,

that's how it standsand is a pleasure to see it. (rc) so people are just to look it upon the internet and find the .pdf copiessomewhere. that's the idea? it's a... (mk) it's, if they can find it,they can donate to the foundation. but a lot of people would liketo have the hard-copy. the hard copies will be going out of,out of what you call it, the china in the coming weeks. wealready started printing heavily in china. anything else... do we have?thank you very much herbert. we show all the best video meetingtoday and tomorrow presentation.

and we see you back in austria,when you come back. (jg) good day mr keshe.(mk) rick, do we have anything else? (rc) there was a question from...hello, there is some background noise... (mk) yeah, you can disconnect herbert,because he's there they can't come on. or put him on the silenceand we can keep the picture. (rc) there was a question in the q&afrom ... earlier, earlier in the workshop, from ram who says, "last week naomi washealed with a pain pad of co2, zno and ch3. can you give us precisionsabout the mixture? thanks a lot.(mk) the, the process is not...

that has to be done byunderstanding the condition. (rc) so maybe, differentfor different people. (mk) yes.(rc) for different locations and so on. (mk) yeah. and secondly is to provide...(rc) and... that would be the best way for someoneto proceed with that. would they need to go through a doctor?(mk) what is your condition. bien sã»r. we're trying to organize thiswith the keshe foundation doctors, now they're i think aboutover a hundred of them. that we can teach the doctors.and then you have, you have to.

all these things has to be done withthe... through medical doctors. and ... they are very, it has to be discussedwith people who understand how to do, and doctors if they have a problem,or they, they look at the new way to do it. it gets discussed in the medical teachingon wednesday afternoons, and they advice each otherhow to do and what they've done. we put section that peoplecould write to the doctors for advice, but the doctors are so busy, that theyare looking after their own patients. gradually in the future we will be able toanswer these things, through the medical side.

(jg) good day mr keshe. (mk) i know that voice from baghdad. (jg) thank you.is jalal here. (mk) yes jalal.how is situation in bagdad? (jg) oh my god sir! i, i, i think we have the issuefor five-six thousand years now. maybe is the fields of mineralswhat we have there? (mk) [laughing](jg) [laughing] yeah. ... i would like to say,i will donate for...

for the printing,the books for south sudan, this is one, and i hopewe open a door for that, and i have one questionregarding the nano-coating. if i have, if i have a tube,plastic tube, what is the difference if i nano-coat itthe inside, or the outside, or both? that's all i need right now...(mk) depends what you want to use it for. (jg) if i wanted to....(mk) if you use it for a water to pass through, do the outside,because inside the coating will be absorbedif there is a salt content.

if it just to be a field dimensional,you can use both side. (jg) okay. if i... if i only wantto make gans of the gans, i put two bottles, plastic bottles,and ... tube between them, plastic tube. so, if i need to do that, can i only...nano-coating the inside or both? (mk) you can do the inside,don't do the outside, because if you want to hold the gansof the gans on the field-plasma level, you need to maintain it and hold it inside,but you need to make it dynamic. because when you do it in a pipe,it becomes a ray, it becomes like aplasma of the light, extended.

(jg) okay.(mk) you get and hold it. you have to understand, with thedifference of the shape will do. (jg) okay. because i, i, i tried it,and i didn't have not much, because it's not dynamic,so will change it for dynamic. (mk) thank you very much.(jg) thank you mr keshe. (mk) thank you indeed. you can send yourdonation then to austria keshe foundation, and they will, herbert from there,will do... send it to south sudan university. (jg) by the way mr keshe,is that the card is opened now? or the...(mk) pardon?

(jg) it's about the card, they pay...the payment card. or it's the... (mk) depends you can do.you can do the bank transfer, to... austrian,or if you do pay it by... paypal. (kp) i can send...i can send him directly, the data he needs mr keshe. we are...(mk) yes, directly and then everything goes directly throughkeshe foundation austria to south sudan, because herbert is from austria.they can organize it directly there. (jg) good. thank you klaus.(mk) thanks for your support. (kp) you're welcome,thank you.

(mk) that's the last picture of last week,when the officials signing the peace treaty. i might have a very good newsfor all of you, very, very soon. but, i have to hold till i know.i see giovanni is joined with us. hi giovanni, good afternoon to you.good afternoon to italy. (rc) by the way i,i understand it's... giovanni's ... birthday.(cdr) giovanni's birthday. happy birthday!(gl) thank you. can you hear me? (rc) happy birthday to you...(gl) [laughing] oh thank you so...(mk) [applause]

(gl) thank you.(mk) we don't say, we don't say, how many huh-hm years you are.(gl) mr keshe, no problem. because i think very sooni'll become immortal, so there is no panic.[laughter] (mk) you havealready become immortal. (dm) happy birthday giovanni.immortal! (gl) a good day. thank you very much.thank you, thank you, thank you really. (mk) thank you very much.thank you indeed. happy birthday!and how is our naomi?

(gl) very good mr keshe. the improving it's continue,and now she's... she drink, like three glass of waterfrom the mouth, a day. (mk) auuuuuu!(gl) yeaaaaahh! yes, okay. (mk) how she start the speaking? (gl) not yet but... because...(mk) she will... (mk) now that she start swallowing, she'sstrengthen the tongue and the voice box, and then she'll... as she starts eating,then the voice will come back faster. (gl) ah good.(mk) that's a main thing, huh?

(gl) yes, she wants to eat the pizza too.(mk) and a spaghetti. with a lot of attention, because whenyou pass with a... with the pizza.or something else near her. she put the hand,and take it immediately. (mk) that's fantastic.that's fantastic. (gl) yes, sometime he punched...(mk) she's italian, she can help it, huh? (gl) what?(mk) i said she's italian she can help it. (gl) italian, mr keshe i not understand.(mk) i said she is italian, she can help it. she'd go for a pizza anytime.(gl) yeah, sure, sure have in the blood.

(mk) that's fantastic news, that's...(gl) yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... (mk) that is fantastic. what is thesituation with the two hospital in italy? (gl) in september we start to...to set up all of them, and... and it's... it's very good organization,and there are some doctors, and i... in touch with them.there is possible to have support, from others, persons that ... wantrealize this kind of project, because is, it's like a...an impossibilities for a, for a, for a, for the peoplefor to have ... support for the health. the profile that we maintainin this... in this case it's... it's low,

and because we want to give only support,to official medicine. so we don't start to make a substitution,of the official medicine, because we don't want to create problem,with the... with the all that structure. so, i think that can be done very good,and i start to, to, to... collaborate, with the... with the some doctors,for example, for the case of naomi too. because ... i'm... the file ready of naomi,and so, i collect all the information. i need only to write the, the quantityof the gans, of the material, but it's all written there is no problem,and all the magnetic resonance, the next week i've a meeting with the...neuro... neuro doctor,

that we study together, all the, thethe file about the magnetic resonance, from the beginning, so we made a...we can do exactly examination, of the progress and what is change,what we can show to the other doctors, how it's possiblethat this thing can be happened, and ... and so, i think thatall the, the, the people can... can ... receive a helpfrom all this information. (mk) i think... as we discussed,this is gonna be used as a test trial, for other coma patientsand head injuries. and in the two hospitals,this can be used as a benchmark.

that how you can bringpeople out of coma, and how you can repairbrain injuries with that, even at such an extent as naomi's.(gl) yes, yes, yes, yes, yes because... (mk) you've donea very good data collection, that exactly what was doneand how the results was. and there is enough videosthat we see the progress week by week. (gl) yes mr keshe.i collect all the material, which, what i've donewith the default of before, the, the... the applicationof for example the helmet,

and the first day of...after that i apply the helmet, and after another pictureare the, the photo of one week later. so i have all the file exactly,in a, in a, in a scientific way. so nobody can say nothingabout the process, because i was... very, very, very clear andvery precise how, how he did it, i did it. (mk) thank you very much indeed.i know this is where... i have to... i... mean we have to inform you,that the hospital which, the hospital which you have become thework of the keshe foundation in italy, they have already, have given us a massiveland space which is theirs in ghana.

(gl) yes.(mk) and we have documents for it, it's... it's a huge space of land, whichgives us whatever, we... we want to do in ghana, and that was in return of we sharingknowledge and letting them to share, to be able to develop it further.i thank the doctors in the hospital, with the donation. it's a huge,massive more than hundred acres of land, which they have been given to.and as i said to giovanni we thank the doctors in hospital, thatthey allow us to develop the technology, in africa in a very easy way.thank you giovanni, thanks for everything. (gl) no. thank you to you sir keshe. is notenough to say thank you to you sir keshe.

(mk) you're welcome. at least we managedto bring naomi back to drink, i then in... one daywe're gonna tell her to "shut up". (gl) yes, sure... sure.(mk) now, now that she's start drinking, and eating, the voicewill come back much, much... it's more than four weeks, five weeksthen you'll start using the head phone. (gl) yes, yes, yes sir keshe.(mk) is very rapid. very rapid. (gl) yes, yes, yes.(mk) that is fantastic. (gl) [laughing] reversed.(mk) yes, it's fantastic. (gl) there was a switch immediatelywhen i start to put the headphone.

(mk) i told you three months ago.(gl) yes, yes, yes. (mk) i told you three months ago to do it.but it's okay, everything needs time. (gl) yes.(rc) but, does she listen to music i'm wondering? (mk) she listens to everything,she's so naughty, you don't want to know. (gl) yes, no...(mk) she was naughty when she was in barletta, but i think with this, she's gotten times, hundred times the worse. no sir keshe ... i... in this period ...usually until some month ago i, i did this. to listen music and so on,but there are a couple months that i start to teach her,in the spiritual way, so ... what she listen,

or what i... when i speak to her,i speak only about the spiritual things, and if i show some dvd,i show for example message of some spiritual masters,or some teaching, because now i, she had this experience, and thisexperience is very big for his life. and it's not casual, so ...i think that ... i feel that my, my, my, my job is now to help her,to become a new being, a spiritual being. and so i start to... to feed herwith the spiritual words, for example doing the night,this last night i went near her when... when... during the sleep,and i speak about of love,

of the fast recovery,of the possibility that she can bring ...very well back the right part,and every night i do this. so i'm, i change, my approach with naomi,and go deep in the spiritual way. the same i, i, i do for me,i, because what happens it's a big effort. there is no, no... no reason,because if we... ... we do, no ...we do nothing about. so, i think that if this thing it's happen,to me, to my daughter, it's because we need to change,to make a big effort and jump, to, to a high spiritual level.so i help her in this.

and so i practice too much. maybe my...my wife will kick out from my house, because... i, i think...(mk) she's... she let you do it, then when you go out she's start dancing.(gl) yes, because i say: "oh, meditation, in the lab."so i think that she keep me only, because now i'm in this situation. [laughter] (mk) after she talks, she says, "giovanniout! that's it, you've done your job." (gl) sure, sure.(mk) let me... let, let's... it's nice to see you laughing after sucha year, one year of so much pressure.

(gl) oh! yes, yes, yes.(mk) i admire your soul and the way you'vedone everything for her. a lot of people haven'tbeen in touch with naomi. she used to teach our son, as a teacher,and the only thing she could teach him, was everything which is naughty in italianlanguage and naughty in italian life. and she always said, "he has to learn this,otherwise he doesn't become italian." now i understand.(gl) yes [laughing]. (mk) thank you very much for everything.thank you giovanni. (gl) thank you mr keshe, thank you.thank you all. thank you to all.

(mk) bye, bye.(gl) all the best, bye, bye. (mk) do we have anything else? (ek) i have a question mr keshe,if it's okay? (mk) who's speaking?(ek) it's eric again. >from denmark.(mk) yes. (ek) it's ... my question is aboutsoul to soul communication. i have been in the lucky position,to have us a little bit of practice in this for some years. and when i havea connection to another person, when i think of this person, iimmediately get a feedback, very clearly.

and lately i get teaching in soul to soul.but what annoys me is that, it's not received in a conscious level.and i wonder what can i do in order to get these messages clearlyinto my consciousness, so i can act on them immediately, insteadof it materializes in days or weeks. that's my question.(mk) i don't understand. (ek) okay. if someone triesto send me a message, soul to soul, i can not take itinto my consciousness. it's, it's, it's in there and it materializes in a waythat i later understand what i got, but i don't get it at the momenti receive it.

(mk) i don't understandwhat you're explaining. you mean you don'tunderstand the message when you receive it, or at the time,then later on you understand. (ek) i have been toldi get a message correctly. but the message does not appearin my consciousness. so, if someone tells mesomething in an instant, then i don't instantly knowwhat has been told me. i have got the message, i've been told,but, but i don't know it immediately. i would like tobe able to do that.

is there anything that i can do...(mk) is the maturity, it's the maturity of the soul.the more we understand our own function, the way we operate,the, the, the faster reach that point. one day i answerthis question to you. very soon.(ek) okay. thank you. mr keshe.(mk) one day, very soon, because there are thingshappening in the background, that if i explain what you said,trying to... to explain it further, it can cause mayhemin some places.

but, if you come back to thisin the next few months, i'll explain to you how it's done,and how you can be present and receive. but decide not to what you call it,act upon. it's your consciousness,or it's your soul which in a way, goes into your structure,but the physicality is not aware of. i explained this in some teachings in the past,a couple of years, two years ago, three years ago especially in the medical section teaching,about consciousness. and that consciousness comes fromthe awareness of the soul, and the power of the soul, now thatwe've gone deeper, we can explain more.

very soon, we'll explain that.are there anything in the background rick? we're running into a threeand a half hours limit. would been...(ek) thank you mr. keshe. (mk) thank you very much...(ek) thank you very much for all you do for us. well, i'll do my best togive something back in africa. been to, as i saidto every corner of this planet, and it's becoming very international in a waythat we share all our knowledge so freely. is there anything rick, that we can goor shall we call it a day for this week? (rc) i think you've done your dutyfor today mr keshe...

(mk) thank you very much.(rc) let me see, let's double check here i.. (mk) let me while you're looking checking,the keshe foundation teaching now is extended to tuesday,wednesday and thursdays. on tuesday it's the consultationwith regarding the peace plan, one nation, one planet. it starts fromam i'm correct four o’clock cet, where the universal council members,earth core, and the core, members of the core, keshe foundation core team,universal council and the earth council, are present and it's open to public.the universal council support team members are present,if you want to join, discuss,

or put your ideas regarding the writingsof the charter for the universal what you call one nation,one planet, you can participate. on wednesdays rick runshis usual workshops, which is fantasticif you can join in. it's... it's... it's nothing butpracticality and showing, and, as he says, "crying nowadaysa lot of knowledge passed on." and on thursday...(rc) no tears... no tears in last night show. but ... sometimes itgets kind of emotional, people have gratitude and they,they experience things. yeah.

(mk) as of 15 of september, the medical teachingand the agricultural teaching starts again, and the spaceship institute teachingfor the last term of this year starts. the teaching andexpansion of knowledge in chinese, will be organized in the coming time,that the chinese can join their teaching, in, in chinese languageacross the world. we are looking to expandthe other directions, but most of the teachings, has beentranslated to some eighteen languages, which you can access onand be able to reach. thank you very much for the whole team,keshe foundation team worldwide,

and we thank all of youfor you've done or what you're doing, then, hopefully very soon,we'll be able to change the course. thank you very much indeed. we can"take us away with music", as caroline says. (rc) yes, i think flint has that lined up,as we speak. great, thank you mr keshe thank you very much.(mk) thank you indeed. (rc) this brings to the end the 186thknowledge seekers workshop, for thursday august 24th, 2017.thank you all for attending, and hopefully see you next week,at the same time and place. (mk) there is something just before,i forget rick.

there is a possibilitythat during the... our visit into iran, we will not be able to participate,i will not be able to participate in the knowledge seekers workshops,if the bandwidth is not there for us to do. so, in the time,the thursdays we are in iran, we'll try to leave you a message behind,but we'll be there in our soul. thank you very much.(rc) alright, thank you mr keshe. okay flint, are you...are you ready to play? (fm) yes, i am. (rc) take it away.(fm) okay.

(jg) don't worry mr keshe, we are here.we can complete your work. (mk) thank you very much indeed.it'll be the first time i won't be there, for nearly three and a half years.but somehow, we'll try to get through, even it's by telephone.(rc) i'll hold you to that jalal too, so could we have some coffee... (jg) i'm joking, i'm joking...(vv) the support team will make it happen. (rc) i was running for hoursbefore this show, because i thought mr keshewasn't gonna be there, i worked for a while so.(mk) you can join us in teheran,

we are trying to organize a,a conference in tehran, for public. we'll see how the permissionsare granted by the government. and, as we are in a educational teaching,a week, two weeks in iran, we share knowledge with all the iranians,and those iranians who come back to iran, to meet with us in the universitiesor public teaching. (rc) great, thank you again. okay, flint? go ahead.(fm) yes, you want say your exit statements? (rc) well, i did once but i'll do it again...this is the... the really, truly the end of the186th knowledge seekers workshop,

for thursday,august 24th, 2017. thank you, everybody for attending,and see once again. okay flint, now you can do it. subtitles by the amara.org community

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