minecraft wohnzimmer ideen

about two days, it is already christmas, two days, which appear in the sign of sociability, love and hopefully lots of presents. but many people actually know much less of this party, there was previously known. in the 2000 years of the festival, there are in fact necessary remarkable things happened. before we begin, we have already give one credit. this is in fact so much that we want to tell him directly. for what appears well, santa claus as we know it was not long ago arise, but in 1920.
that nice, fat fairy is in fact just been a marketing stunt coca-cola so work out that everyone took him. for this santa was green instead of red, and he wore as the blame game a big bag of gifts on his back. in addition, santa had a much longer beard and he walked with a cane. maybe you had it by itself, but the "original" santa seems strained much like our santa claus! if you are indeed interested in these fun facts, but on our sinterklaas, click on the info card, because we have made a similar video, but with christmas.
and now comes the new video, with the top 10 christmas facts that you did not know! do you know about how santa is called in america? leave it in the comments! where americans and dutch at christmas thinking of eating sweet treats and luxurious christmas dinners, japanese think of all the other things. namely kfc! because believe it or not, but kfc has a similar advertising campaign as coca-cola who went so well that anyone getting through this without the kfc more advertising for faced.
in japan it is indeed become a permanent tradition for many families since 1970 as christmas dinner to go to kfc instead of preparing it yourself with the whole family. this idea came about joonas rokka, who was the owner of the first kfc branch in japan. just before christmas he suddenly came up with an idea for a special 'christmas bucket' to sell. many people missed the fact turkey and according rokka was the fried chicken here a good alternative to have. and here everyone thought seems about the same.
these days there during christmas more than 4 million people to kfc for a special bucket and increase sales in the christmas period by a factor of 10! in other words, for kfc are quite cashing in the last days of the year! on december 15 left the spacecraft gemini for a short space mission two days. the mission was aimed at practicing an encounter with another spacecraft in universe to improve this technique. after six hours of nerve-racking space ships were stuck together and could relax the crew. for most astronauts would mean a little nap, but wally schirra and tom stafford was a good time to pack their "moment or shine.
and that they did! namely walter brought a harmonica with the aim of the first song ever in the play space. and this song was, as it was nearly christmas, jingle bells! the song is recorded, but really we were not proud of it, since the quality not too good, but hey, what did you expect when you floating around in space? and how bad that was well that you going to hear now: the number 8 on the list is a lot less cheerful, as it does not run here love, fun and good food.
because believe it or not, but in peru they go to christmas mass brawl. everywhere fighting organized street in particular children must battle engage with each other and use their fists as weapons. before the fight, there are several days that revolve around drinking alcohol. besides the fact that the tradition, many people use this alcohol also their fear to suppress the fighting, but whether it really helps when your drunken head must contend that we do not know. and when the battle is over, and you will have more pain, then it follows more alcohol.
"to ease the pain of the battle." as will the hangover that follows from drinking all that alcohol probably not are so fine. as the holidays approach, many dutch get a christmas tree at home. a few days after christmas are being reached about 2 million spruce or nord men in netherlands then decorated with baubles and lights and will be placed in the living room. this all looks very nice and cozy, but a tree is just not for always remain in your house and so most people do around the old and new door.
from the moment there are two known options. whether the tree is picked up by children who can thus earn an extra penny, if the tree is used for a bonfire during old and new, something really not may, but is still done anywhere. but disappear in some countries these christmas trees in the zoo, because believe it or not, but these trees are a highly convenient source of food. now the question is whether animals should be so happy with it, because they come month only christmas trees can eat, but it looks nice and is also once very durable!
the christmas traditions that are celebrated worldwide by now is very different known, but some countries deviate very much from the original concept christmas. that beautiful, warm, loving nights that we think are in fact relatively new. previously it was tradition to come together with the whole family, but instead beautiful, cozy christmas stories were told earlier the scariest ghost stories. the main story of the evening will be presented by the grandfather and then the rest mag the family if they want to conduct their story this.
however, such a story suggests more than the average sinterklaas poem. grandfathers took them weeks or even months to invent a good story the family had to deliver the shock of their lives. the tradition comes from the victorian era, but almost only celebrated in great britain. and you, you knew this already if you celebrate it happen? let us know in the comments, because we are very curious! jingle bells lucky, because the song is not one, but two times in this list. because in addition to being jingle bells was the first song that was playing in the room,
there are more special things with the song. for this ã³ so cheerful christmas song is actually not a christmas carol. jingle bells was originally entitled "one horse open sleigh, was written in 1857 by the american james pierpont for thanksgiving feast in the church. thanksgiving is a celebration in america is celebrated on the fourth thursday of november, the next day almost all americans go into town to do christmas shopping, whatever called "black friday" is called, and now is celebrated here. but the reason jingle bells christmas sung has nothing to do with it. the only reason is that everyone just likes very cool song.
after jingle bells was released, it was the week after thanksgiving still popular, thus this was naturally a christmas song and now everyone worldwide to christmas is linked. in the christmas season, there are generally three types of people: those with a christmas tree, those without christmas tree, and the people who want to be sustainable and therefore an artificial tree have, "because it is a waste of the environment to buy a new tree every year." here you can be mistaken for. an artificial tree, which is usually made of plastic and other plastics, namely on average 20 times as polluting as normal tree.
okay, you do of course also longer, but to see the tree as you would permanently it should take longer than 20 years, and that is something many can not. therefore we advise you to just buy a real tree, they look better and smell also another better, a win-win situation! long before world war ii was christmas celebrated in europe, but when approached christmas during the world war, adolf hitler tried here nice to take advantage of it. christmas would not be turning to the birth of jesus, but to hitler's visit. in addition, santa had to be replaced with their own version odin, a norse god, and had the peak christmas trees are replaced by a swastika, so even more propaganda
to create. fortunately, the new "tradition" not really broke, people were secretly celebrate christmas the traditional way, though this was forbidden. the birth of jesus namely comes from the jewish version of the bible, and that was enough reason for hitler to ban the entire tradition. in second place is still christmas song, this time no jingle bells, but 'wonderful christmas time’ van paul mccartney. the song is one of the most famous christmas carols and if you ever listen to music on the radio there really is no escape.
the song is so turned millions of times a year, but each time the song will play the singer paul mccartney receives a small fee. and when it turned millions of times song then tap nice to mccartney earns namely $ 500,000 per year purely to this song. his song is, moreover, regarded by many people as the most annoying christmas song in world. just imagine how much there is not earned "all i want for christmas'! in some parts of the world turns christmas not only fun and tasty christmas dinner with the family, but fortunately in most of the world does.
america is the best in, they buy in percentage terms, most trees are 30 working days preparing for christmas and buy far after most presents. most gifts are sold between black friday and christmas day, and since then many gifts are bought, stores are trying as much of this success to pick them. there are huge deals with discounts up to 50% for many products holds two get one payment. in addition, once the most stores give out their entire advertising budget in this days to make sure they achieve maximum sales. and this works, research has shown that 17% of the annual turnover is rotated in
this busy christmas season. per family is spent on average 906 dollars per year on christmas gifts, so that shows nicely how many gifts the children do not get! thanks for watching this video, and we wish everyone a merry christmas! for people who go skiing: be careful and for the people who stay at home: you have luck. because we continue to upload the whole holiday on hard times and who knows appears even an extra video! thanks for watching and do not share the video and comment
let what you liked this video, joe!
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