vintage living room wall decor
vintage living room wall decor-21 out of the box ways to display all yourstuff want some out-of-the-box (we mean that literally)ways to display your favorite collectibles? here are a few fun and practical tips on howto show off your collection! we’ve all been into too many homes wherea displayed collection is a real eye sore. these tips will allow you to display yourpossessions with elegance, and integrate the collection into the dã©cor of your home. 1. map collection wallpaper – don’t worryabout buying expensive and heavy frames for your antique map collection.
you can use it as wallpaper for a cool lookthat saves your wallet. next. instead of framing your map collection, turnthem all into wallpaper! you can insert some pins in the places you’vevisited for a little more interesting take on this creative wallpaper. 2. hang it on the wall – if you have a largecollection of...pretty much anything, one cool idea is to use a fancy case or put itbehind glass. whether you collect vintage silverware, drumsticks, or something else that is hang-able,
this is a cool way to display your favoritethings! in this cool example, it’s keys. there’s no better way to show off a hugecollection than arranging them on a wall as an art display. 3. beach sand display – most people have somecool keepsakes to remember good times, one of which probably includes a small vial ofsand from a particular beach trip or island getaway. it’s cheap and an interesting thing to lookback on.
but now you can display it in a cool, inventiveway by using more than just the vial you originally put it in. with some matching glass bottles, you canbottle sand from every trip you take and mount them all on a shelf for viewing. 4. rock collection display - after you’ve foundthe coolest rocks around, display them on a painted pegboard with some wire for a cooland artsy piece of dã©cor. hang it on the wall or set it on your deskor any piece of furniture. displayed this way, your rocks are availableto touch and see closely, but will be safely
secured to the pegboard. 5. toy collection by color - embrace your innerchild and display your huge toy collection in a modern way. with large shelves, your toy collection issure to wow when it fills a full wall. big or small toys are kosher for this collector’sdisplay. a cool way to set it apart from any othertoy collection is to organize the toys by color. this pulls the eye to notice that this arrangementis unique.
6. themed art collection wall – whether youhave a large assortment of portrait paintings, or some other kind of art, display them allon one wall to make things interesting. by grouping your art collection like this,you can make new connections between pieces you never knew existed. plus it just looks great! check out link inside description to findtutorial on how to create a cool and unique gallery wall. 7.
children’s toy shadow box – not readyto get rid of your child’s favorite toys? don’t worry—if you display them in a coolshadow box, you’re not a hoarder—you’re an artist! put them into the box and arrange them anyway you want. unless you have a large shadow box, try touse smaller toys so that you can fit more into the display. this also makes a cool children’s room decoration. 8. antique curtains – if you’re not surehow to display your antique handkerchiefs
or tea towels, you can get out your sewingmachine and get to work on this simple diy curtain display. you can easily turn these individual towelsinto a unique collage of antique design. it gives a chic vintage look to any door orwindow. 9. lego box – legos can be pricy. don’t let them collect dust in the attic—displaythem in a cool brick box like this. each lego figure sits on an individual brickso you can take them down individually, if desired.
this is a fun and sophisticated way to showoff your childhood lego collection! 10. mod podge canvas – here’s an awesome diyproject for anything you want to paste onto a canvas for a cool art display. if you want to recycle the images or artworkfrom an old calendar, that’s a great place to start. if you’d rather use old photos, that’sanother option. whatever you do, follow the steps in thisguide and you’ll be happy with the result. 11.
specialty shelves - if you have a large clothesor shoes collection, specialty shelves are a sophisticated way to store them. by using specific color schemes, and alsodiffering heights and sizes of shelves, you’ll have a place for everything. don’t waste space, but make sure not tocram the shelves too full or it will lose its sophisticated look. 12. button jars by color – if you’re a buttonhoarder, or you just do a lot of handy work with buttons, sort them by similar colorsand put them into cool modern jars for a new
way to display your collection. no more hiding the junk pile before guestsarrive. you’ll be proud of the way this chic collectionlooks, as well as grateful when you need a red button specifically. 13. fake a collection of books – make any bedroomor sitting room a bit cozier with some creative wall covering. you should be able to find a large tapestryor a cool book wallpaper at a specialty store. this look, although busy, makes any room cometo life as it builds on the color and texture
of book wall cover. 14. artistic plate mount –grandma’s favoriteplate collection should sit in the china cabinet no longer! show them off in this diy creative wall display. it’s asymmetrical and artistic, so thatmeans there are few rules. you can even frame a door as in this picture. get creative and make an interesting wallout of old plates. get whimsical with this one!
and here are a few tips on how to do it correctly. 15. globe display – don’t waste counter ordesk space with globes. unless you’re really old-school (like, christophercolumbus old-school), globes aren’t for actual use (unless you really enjoy that spinningmotion)...they’re for decoration. store your cool antique globe collection uphigh to draw the eye upwards in any room. this looks great in a more sophisticated room,like an office or sitting room. 16. vintage collection in frames – whether it’santique cameras like in this example, or some
other mountable objects, you can use framesinside frames to display your valuables. this photographer had a great idea by usingone large frame to encompass other framed cameras. for this one, you’ll need a few mountingtools and objects that will look great on your wall. for more information on how he mounted them,check out our video description. 17. recycled bottle wall – instead of sendingyour bottles away to be recycled, enjoy their shape and color by making this diy bottlewall.
liven up your backyard party! it could be designed for indoor or outdooruse. if you’re pretty handy, this is a greatproject for you. you’ll end up with a truly inspiring andfun collection of bottles on display that the whole neighborhood will talk about! 18. shopping bag wall – love that chanel shoppingbag? some specialty shopping bags are just toopretty to toss out. display them in frames like in this example.
you can flatten them first, and find the perfectsize and color frame to fit each bag you want to display. this makes a really fun diy bedroom display. it’s really a chic way to show off yourshopaholic tendencies! 19. photo wallpaper – no more expensive andtricky wallpaper. this is one of the most simple and preciousways to display something personal to you. forget photo albums that just sit on the shelfcollecting dust and follow this tutorial to show off your most prized memories.
it brings any room to life as you show offfun photos from a past vacation or silly pictures of the family! 20. ladder scarf display – outrageous scarfcollection? use it to your advantage. not only will this classy scarf display bean eye-catcher in your bedroom, but it also allows you to choose a scarf for the day. pull your scarves out of that messy closetor drawer and use the beautiful fabrics to bring color into your home.
here’s a cool tutorial on how to turn thatold rickety ladder into a unique display for scarves. and last, 21. vacation sand art – if you’re one wholoves keeping sand samples from memorable beach vacations, here’s a cool way to showit off instead of using individual bottles. remember sand art as a kid? now you can play with sand as an adult (witha good excuse!). just layer it in a cool glass display.
you can label the back so you know which sandcomes from where! there you have it—21 perfect diy ideas todisplay your things in a more decorative and creative way. now get to work! be sure to like and share this video withsomeone you know who has a cool collection! also, be sure to comment below! last, press subscribe button if you want tosee more video like this in a near future. and thanks for watching
you can use it as wallpaper for a cool lookthat saves your wallet. next. instead of framing your map collection, turnthem all into wallpaper! you can insert some pins in the places you’vevisited for a little more interesting take on this creative wallpaper. 2. hang it on the wall – if you have a largecollection of...pretty much anything, one cool idea is to use a fancy case or put itbehind glass. whether you collect vintage silverware, drumsticks, or something else that is hang-able,
this is a cool way to display your favoritethings! in this cool example, it’s keys. there’s no better way to show off a hugecollection than arranging them on a wall as an art display. 3. beach sand display – most people have somecool keepsakes to remember good times, one of which probably includes a small vial ofsand from a particular beach trip or island getaway. it’s cheap and an interesting thing to lookback on.
but now you can display it in a cool, inventiveway by using more than just the vial you originally put it in. with some matching glass bottles, you canbottle sand from every trip you take and mount them all on a shelf for viewing. 4. rock collection display - after you’ve foundthe coolest rocks around, display them on a painted pegboard with some wire for a cooland artsy piece of dã©cor. hang it on the wall or set it on your deskor any piece of furniture. displayed this way, your rocks are availableto touch and see closely, but will be safely
secured to the pegboard. 5. toy collection by color - embrace your innerchild and display your huge toy collection in a modern way. with large shelves, your toy collection issure to wow when it fills a full wall. big or small toys are kosher for this collector’sdisplay. a cool way to set it apart from any othertoy collection is to organize the toys by color. this pulls the eye to notice that this arrangementis unique.
6. themed art collection wall – whether youhave a large assortment of portrait paintings, or some other kind of art, display them allon one wall to make things interesting. by grouping your art collection like this,you can make new connections between pieces you never knew existed. plus it just looks great! check out link inside description to findtutorial on how to create a cool and unique gallery wall. 7.
children’s toy shadow box – not readyto get rid of your child’s favorite toys? don’t worry—if you display them in a coolshadow box, you’re not a hoarder—you’re an artist! put them into the box and arrange them anyway you want. unless you have a large shadow box, try touse smaller toys so that you can fit more into the display. this also makes a cool children’s room decoration. 8. antique curtains – if you’re not surehow to display your antique handkerchiefs
or tea towels, you can get out your sewingmachine and get to work on this simple diy curtain display. you can easily turn these individual towelsinto a unique collage of antique design. it gives a chic vintage look to any door orwindow. 9. lego box – legos can be pricy. don’t let them collect dust in the attic—displaythem in a cool brick box like this. each lego figure sits on an individual brickso you can take them down individually, if desired.
this is a fun and sophisticated way to showoff your childhood lego collection! 10. mod podge canvas – here’s an awesome diyproject for anything you want to paste onto a canvas for a cool art display. if you want to recycle the images or artworkfrom an old calendar, that’s a great place to start. if you’d rather use old photos, that’sanother option. whatever you do, follow the steps in thisguide and you’ll be happy with the result. 11.
specialty shelves - if you have a large clothesor shoes collection, specialty shelves are a sophisticated way to store them. by using specific color schemes, and alsodiffering heights and sizes of shelves, you’ll have a place for everything. don’t waste space, but make sure not tocram the shelves too full or it will lose its sophisticated look. 12. button jars by color – if you’re a buttonhoarder, or you just do a lot of handy work with buttons, sort them by similar colorsand put them into cool modern jars for a new
way to display your collection. no more hiding the junk pile before guestsarrive. you’ll be proud of the way this chic collectionlooks, as well as grateful when you need a red button specifically. 13. fake a collection of books – make any bedroomor sitting room a bit cozier with some creative wall covering. you should be able to find a large tapestryor a cool book wallpaper at a specialty store. this look, although busy, makes any room cometo life as it builds on the color and texture
of book wall cover. 14. artistic plate mount –grandma’s favoriteplate collection should sit in the china cabinet no longer! show them off in this diy creative wall display. it’s asymmetrical and artistic, so thatmeans there are few rules. you can even frame a door as in this picture. get creative and make an interesting wallout of old plates. get whimsical with this one!
and here are a few tips on how to do it correctly. 15. globe display – don’t waste counter ordesk space with globes. unless you’re really old-school (like, christophercolumbus old-school), globes aren’t for actual use (unless you really enjoy that spinningmotion)...they’re for decoration. store your cool antique globe collection uphigh to draw the eye upwards in any room. this looks great in a more sophisticated room,like an office or sitting room. 16. vintage collection in frames – whether it’santique cameras like in this example, or some
other mountable objects, you can use framesinside frames to display your valuables. this photographer had a great idea by usingone large frame to encompass other framed cameras. for this one, you’ll need a few mountingtools and objects that will look great on your wall. for more information on how he mounted them,check out our video description. 17. recycled bottle wall – instead of sendingyour bottles away to be recycled, enjoy their shape and color by making this diy bottlewall.
liven up your backyard party! it could be designed for indoor or outdooruse. if you’re pretty handy, this is a greatproject for you. you’ll end up with a truly inspiring andfun collection of bottles on display that the whole neighborhood will talk about! 18. shopping bag wall – love that chanel shoppingbag? some specialty shopping bags are just toopretty to toss out. display them in frames like in this example.
you can flatten them first, and find the perfectsize and color frame to fit each bag you want to display. this makes a really fun diy bedroom display. it’s really a chic way to show off yourshopaholic tendencies! 19. photo wallpaper – no more expensive andtricky wallpaper. this is one of the most simple and preciousways to display something personal to you. forget photo albums that just sit on the shelfcollecting dust and follow this tutorial to show off your most prized memories.
it brings any room to life as you show offfun photos from a past vacation or silly pictures of the family! 20. ladder scarf display – outrageous scarfcollection? use it to your advantage. not only will this classy scarf display bean eye-catcher in your bedroom, but it also allows you to choose a scarf for the day. pull your scarves out of that messy closetor drawer and use the beautiful fabrics to bring color into your home.
here’s a cool tutorial on how to turn thatold rickety ladder into a unique display for scarves. and last, 21. vacation sand art – if you’re one wholoves keeping sand samples from memorable beach vacations, here’s a cool way to showit off instead of using individual bottles. remember sand art as a kid? now you can play with sand as an adult (witha good excuse!). just layer it in a cool glass display.
you can label the back so you know which sandcomes from where! there you have it—21 perfect diy ideas todisplay your things in a more decorative and creative way. now get to work! be sure to like and share this video withsomeone you know who has a cool collection! also, be sure to comment below! last, press subscribe button if you want tosee more video like this in a near future. and thanks for watching
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